Yelena 2

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Adjusting to the morning light, I opened my eyes to be met by Yelena sleeping beside me, soft snores escaping her lips. She looked peaceful. I don't want to wake her. I ran my hands down my face, trying to wake myself up as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to get a t-shirt. Bending down to pick up my shirt from last night, I pulled it over my head and ran my finger through my hair. Before leaving to make some coffee, I looked back at my bed, to see Yelena stirring. I smiled to myself before quietly opening the door and heading towards the kitchen.

Still half asleep, I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Steve, Wanda and Carol. Various good mornings were exchanged as I wondered over to the kitchen island. "You look dead," Carol laughed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It sounded like you didn't get much sleep," Wanda snickered into her cup as she took a sip of her coffee. "Oh, piss off Wanda. You're fucking a robot." I mumbled. Carol burst out laughing as Steve gave me a look. "What was that Stark?" Wanda questioned glaring at me. "Oh nothing." I said innocently as I turned to make a coffee. "Hey y/n/n, what's that on your neck," my brother Tony questioned raising an eyebrow as he walked into the room. "Oh, ah just um a spider bite," I answered going back to making my coffee. "What type of spider?" Carol asked, trying not to laugh.

"Morning everyone," Nat groaned as she walked in the room. "Ah that type of spider." Tony laughed "What?" Nat asked giving me a confused look. Carol and Wanda sat on opposite me, giggling among themselves and Steve pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger as he let out a small groan. "No just no," I sighed, pouring two cups of coffee. "Y/N FUCKED NAT!" Tony laughed, now in hysterics. "You did what." A voice said from behind me. Yelena. "Shit. No, no I didn't." The room fell silent. "He's taking the piss. I haven't done anything with Nat." She just stared at me. "Oh. That type of spider..." Tony said quietly. "What is he talking about y/n/n." Shooting Tony a glare, I grabbed Yelena's arm and pulled her out of the room.

Now back in my room, she sat down on the bed and looked up at me. "It's not what it sounds like I promise. I was in the kitchen and Tony asked me about this," I said, moving my hair off my neck, revealing a dark circle below my jaw "and I said I had a spider-bite. And yes I know I'm not good at think on my feet but-" "I believe you." She interrupted, standing up. Me being an inch or two taller than her, I looked down at her confusion written on my face. "You got so worried. I know you wouldn't do that. Its fine you idiot." She wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me into a soft kiss. After a few seconds she pulled away and said, "you get so flustered." "Oh, shut up," I pulled her back into a kiss, this one more passionate. Our lips mover in sync as she wrapped her legs around my waist. "Fuck," I said breathless, pulling away for a breath. "I don't want coffee anymore," I smirked walking over to the bed and placing her on it.

Her back now on the bed, Yelena ran her hands under my top, down my back reaching the bottom of my shirt and she pulled it off over my head, leaving me in my black bra. I leant back down, connecting my lips with her neck, gently biting and sucking on her skin. Soft moans fell out of her mouth as her hands traveled down to the waistline of my jeans. "Someone's inpatient," I laughed into the crook of her neck. "Shut up and fuck me," she whispered, her accent thick, undoing my belt. My trousers now on the floor, I pulled her shirt over her head and threw it across the room. "You don't have to ask twice," I smirked.

 AN: Why does this have 160 reads wtf. Thank you guys sm <3

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