Mummy and Medication?

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Mummy and Medication?

"Miss looks are two and a half weeks pregnant"

I sit there shocked as I loose grip of Jesy's hand

What are my parents going to think?

What are my sisters going to think?

What are the girls going to think?

What is management going to be like?

How will Niall react?

" okay" Jesy snaps me out of my thoughts

"Yeah I'm fine, can we go home now" I stand up

Jesy and I look at the doctor for an answer

"Yes lady's you can go home but we need to give you some medication"

I freeze "medication?"

"Yes medication, it's just to keep the baby healthy, see your ultrasound didn't come back 100% see you ovaries section isn't strong enough but if you take the medication for 3 weeks, you will be fine."

"Are you sure she'll be ok for performing and running around on stage"

Jesy steps forward

"Oh, so your a performer?" I nod quickly

"Well you can't perform for at least a month and by then you probably won't be fit enought with a baby inside you"

"But we can't I perform?" I question

"Well see as I said, your ovaries section just isn't strong enough for a baby and if you keep running and jumping and singing, it will keep getting weaker and the medication can't fix that kind of damage, I'm sorry Miss Pinnock, oh and please come back once the three weeks of medication if over to get an ultrasound,I'll go get you prescriptions"

I start to burst out in tears and flop on the bed, Jesy gives me a comforting hug,

"I want to perform" I cry into Jesy's shoulder

"I know you do, I know you do.." She rubs my back

The doctor walks back in and hands us the medication,

"T-thankyou" I manage to say

At the house

Nialls POV

"Hey where is Leigh and Jesy?"

Everyone starts to look worried

"They've been gone for 4 hours" jade stands up

"I'll call them" perrie walks away with her phone

Just as perrie is about to dial the number, they walk in the door

Leigh Anne sits on the big chair and everyone else scattered around the room

"So you girls have fun?" I smile

Leigh Anne tears up and I stand up and give her a hug and sit down where she was and put her onl my lap,

"Leigh Anne has something to tell you" Jesy blurts

"Niall can you come with me" she pulls me into her room

"Hey babe you okay-" I get cut off

"I'm pregnant"

My jaw drops to the floor, "am I the father"

She nods

"Jesy took me to the hospital and they said I couldn't perform because the part in my body where the baby grows is too weak so I'm on medication for a couple weeks and I can't perform until the end of the pregnancy" Leigh Anne is bawling her eyes out and I feel terrible that this was my fault

"Leigh...this was all my fault, you shouldn't have to go through this, I'm just an Irish idiot"

Leigh Anne chuckles and looks up at me,

"I'm gonna be a good mother, right?" She looks into my eyes

"Of course, now are we gonna go tell those rascals or not?" I stand up

"Well I was thinking of you telling the boys by yourself and I'll tell the girls" she weakly smiles

"That's a great idea"

Perrie's POV

It has been one week since Leigh Anne told us about the pregnancy, management still forced all of us to continue the shows without Leigh Anne which DEFINATELY caused the media to question, the paparazzi have gotten a lot worse now that they think Leigh Anne is sick, the poor thing, she barely goes outside and when she does, it's with high level security and it's normally only to a radio station,

So far we have just said that Leigh Anne has just got the vomit bug that's going around,

Zayn and I still aren't talking since we had that fight in Sydney,

I don't know what went wrong, because it seemed as if one day we were in London kissing going to the beach and having picnics, and then the next day we were in Sydney and everything changed, ever since this damn tour started, everything has gone wrong,

"Perrie?" Harry snaps me of my thoughts

I jump at the surprise as I rub my eyes "oh hi um yeah?"

"I need to talk to you"

"Sit" I pat on my bed

"So you know how jade and I are going out.."

I nod still very tired since I just woke up

"Well see, I've been needing to tell her something for a very long time,"


"Well believe it or not when we were younger, I moved to South Shields for 6 years and I went to the same school as jade, and I was the year above her, and I became friends with this guy, and we were around 13-15 years old, and this guy started to bully jade and her best friend, Sarah, and I was kind of that guy who would stand behind him and laugh and do anything he wanted"

I stared at him in utter shock

"So is this relashonship with jade even real or are you just going to break her heart again" I tence up a bit

"Are you serious right now, Perrie?"

"Well are you going to tell her?" I calm myself down a little

"That's what I wanted to ask you" he motioned towards me

"Well in all honesty, you should tell her, but she won't take it well, she will walk away and go cry in her room, but when she does, don't leave that door, like always be waiting, put don't push her, just pretend your not there"

"So just give her time to adjust?"he implies

"Yeah pretty much" I nod and smile

"So what's this about you and zayn" Harry cause my smile to turn into a frown

"Zayn pretty much dumped me because he said we should spend time apart because we're together too much"

"Don't worry, he'll come crawling back, he always does, trust me" I sigh and stand up

"Wait" he grabs my arm "thanks" he smiles

"Anytime" I kiss his cheek and walk into the living room with jade and a emotionless Leigh Anne

I sit down and actually relax for the first time in what feels like forever

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