The minotaur

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After they rejoiced for my's birthday they went to their respective classes.I went to the sword fighting classes.Mr.Head was waiting for me.I went to him and he scowled at me."You are late,your punishment is that you will run 50 rounds of the camp without a word.Now go."This was my daily routine I was always scolded for coming late although I was perfectly on time,and as it was usual I went running without arguing and none of my friends protested.As I was running I got a glimpse of my fellow mates Leo and Anne were practising against each other testing their skills,Ion was helping Sherry with some fighting skills,Veronica was learning a battle strategy,Mike and Eric were concentrating to make their magic more useful."

. I felt guilty for them as they were supposed to live a happy and a peaceful life but they were here because of my father's ruthless acts.He did everything to make our lives miserable.He took away Leo's past,Anne's house,Mike's passion,Veronica's family,Sherry's breath,Ion's grand mom,Eric's concentration and most worst of all he took away my life.How could,I only have to accept Mr.Head as he gave me a home to live and a future to live.Very soon my father has to pay for all these sins,He is gonna pay for this.As I was thinking I forgot that I had to run.I nodded to and again began running.Suddenly a roar shook the ground and a confusion started between the campers.Something black with horns came running towards me, it ferociously shaking it's head and somewhere from behind I heard Eric scream,"Hey,run for whom are you waiting for."I studied the creature and it threw it's weapon at me.It was a Minotaur I dogged the wepon and yelled,"Nice try buddy,but you have to try even harder."Everyone stared at me in amusement,and I shouted,"It's show time pal.Re quip dragon sword blade."The Minotaur charged at me.I jumped on it's back and yelled,"The end.Goodbye and Dad see I won once more!",and slashed my sword at it's back and it fell dead on the ground.

My friends came running to me."Gosh again you are the hero"said Ion.

"Again don't say like that"said Veronica.

"Come on guys he is really a bam girl isin't she"said Mike,and everyone nodded in agreement.

"See guys I didn't kill the thing for amusement,I did that as it challenged me"I said.

" are so cute,Karen"said Eric.

"Yes I also admit she is isn't she Sherry?"said Leo.Sherry nodded her head,"I guess she is."

Mr.Head came to me,"Well done my child you have done really well."I simply made a face and ran of ."Arr..this girl is really getting on my nerves now.How can she make a face at me.That is why I really don't like kids."Mr.Head said.

"You know maybe we should follow her"said Ion.

"Sometimes you she really gets messy"said Veronica,and everyone chorused"Right"

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