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Hello I've just started to write this story so there will be parts coming soon I will be doing one rn

2021/08/27 is when I started writing this book

if you guys can give me any tips of how to write I would appreciate it/ spelling might be bad btw


Birthday: 23 September 2000Style:e-girl/badassPvP God, better than tecno

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Birthday: 23 September 2000
PvP God, better than tecno. And best friends with him.
Very flirty and slacastic
You are the leader of L'amanburg
Doesn't let anybody see her expect for Wilbur, Tommy, Tecno, Tubbo and Phil
(wears a black mask covering yoour hole face with a white smirk painted on it)


Pick witch one you like more

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Pick witch one you like more

Pick witch one you like more

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Age:21 Style:unknown Very good at Pvp but not as good as you, leader of dsmp, and is at war against L'amanburg

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Very good at Pvp but not as good as you, leader of dsmp, and is at war against L'amanburg.
(falls inlove with you)

Yall should know the rest in not explaining them all.
You mad or sum shit

Yes in the book there will be=

Your mask:(it looks kimda cute but deadly)

Your mask:(it looks kimda cute but deadly)

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