Part 1

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Dream's POV:

Sapnap came barging into my room without knocking " Dream we are going to be late for the meeting with stupid l'amanburg" he said rolling his eyes until they landed on my I was dressed and ready to leave, " I know Sapnap , I am going as fast as I can ,if you want you guys can go I will catch up with you " I said looking at the shortish boy

He started to walk out of the room and before he did he said to me" Oh and there will be someone new joining this meting " Sapnap said while walking out of the room closing the door behind him leaving me confused as fuck.

Wilbur's POV:

"WIL, WIL" I turn around and see y/n running towards me but she was jogging -dam she's fast- I thought to myself, "Yes Miss L/n?" I said calmly speaking, " You know you can call me Y/n and what time does this meeting start at because I don't want to be late" she says. " Y/n you can arrive at anytime because your our president after all" I said with a smile, "ok" she started to walk away in her black outfit with her mask still on her face but you could see her hair and she left it loss

-Y/n is the best fighter in this place maybe on the hole world, she was always 5 steps ahead of her opponent, but she has never met dream only hear of him ,but she's smatter than him and Quicker than all of them- I thought to myself, " I feel so dumb compared to her I think her IQ is higher than 225 and she is also tall for a woman so her opponent doesn't have that much Hight over her , she's about 5.9 1/2 to 5.10." I said to myself.

Y/n's POV:

"WIL,WIL " shouted while jogging up to him inside l'amanburg, it looked like he was thinking about something while I jogged over then he said " Yes Miss L/n?" . " you know you can call me Y/n , O and what time does the meeting start at because I don't want to get there to late or to early" I ask razing my one eyebrow even though he cant see my face . He turned around to face me and said " Y/n you can arrive at anytime because you are our president after all " " ok " I said in a deep voice and started to walk away then I went back to training inside my underground house that I build when I became president. -I have never met this dream guys or his friends but I knew I was better at fighting than all of them together because if Tecno can beat dream, would be able to beat him in about 2-5 minutes- I thought to myself and I started to train until it was 4:30 and the meting was at 5pm so I got reading into my outfit it was a black skinny dress with heals and a choker and it matched with my black mask I had on I was done getting dressed so I walked down and out the caravan to meet Wilbur waiting for me with Tubbo.

we didn't allow tommy to go because he really hated Dream and he would always get someone badly hurt or even killed. we started to walk down the prime path until we got to the meeting room and Wilbur walked in first the followed by Tubbo and then me, Wilbur lets me sit at the head of the table leaving everyone confused because only leaders could sit at the table, Wilbur walked back to his seat , I could feel everyone staring at me. " Do you guys know staring is rude" I said coldly looking at all of them , " We will stop staring when you get out of your presidents seat" the 5.7 boy said , I give him a death stair through my mask, and then I got intrusted by Wilbur introducing me to all of them.

"This is y/n she is the pr-" he got cut off by dream speaking " okay so why is this pathetic girl sitting in this room while we are going to discuses what our plans are" he said coldly looking at me you could see his emerald green eyes meet with your grey/bluey eyes, you just scoff "Wilbur could you get me my client and not a child again" I said smiling and you could hear it in my voice , his friends started to laugh there heads off, and the one with the white bandana around his head said " oooooooo Dream are you going to let a girl diss you like that?'" he said while laughing and I scoff and say " I guess that did the trick to keep his annoying voice from talking :) " yo said giggling because you could ell he was annoyed at you already " your already annoyed at me ,o this is going to be so much fun " ,"O ya how about I teach you how to keep your fucking mouth shut or we can have a duel?" he said smirking ."why don't we have a duel?" I said smiling at Wilbur and Tubbo who had smirks on their faces the two other boys notice and said something to the banana boy , I could hear what they said " bruh she's going to fucking die if she goes against dream " the boy with goggles whispered to the other boy.

' May I invite a friend to watch the match ' dream said ' ya okay whatever' I said back.

{30 minutes later}

Techno walked into the room and his eyes stopped on me and he was about to speak but you cut him off by running into his arms tackling him to the ground , he laughed " Is it really you ?" he questioned " Bitch duh " I said while smiling and getting up and put my hand out to help him up when he was up he asked dream why was he here " well I wanted to let you see the fight and how my skills improved" dream said "who are you fighting?" techno asks in a questioning tone, " he's fighting me pinkie" I said while lifting my mask a bit so you could see my smirk on my face everyone was confused again and then tecno started to smirk as well and walked over to dream and said " good luck mate you'll need it ,o and if you kill her I kill you but you wont get close to her" Techno said while smiling and walked back to me " what did you tell him techno" you said giggling , "nothing really " he replied

" Ok follow me to the boxing room " Dream says as he starts to walk and he looked back to make eye contact with me so he could intimidate me but it wasn't working then he got to the room and him and I walked into the boxing ring, I asked " are you ready to get your assed kicked by a woman?", " you wish " he scoffed and started to laugh. " Dream you do know she has beaten me in many fights and wars she's better than me at fighting" techno says as dream looks at him with shocked eyes and said " n-no you m-maybe went e-easy on her she c-cant w-w-win against YOU" he said while stuttering , you let out a soft chuckle , we got into positions his wasn't bad but it wasn't very good either and then he took the first punch when the bell went off . . .


(I'm leaving this on a cliff hanger till I write my next part it will problebly be out by Sunday (its Saturday at like 12am in the morning so I might head to be but part 2 will be out by Sunday and then the fight will continue)

W/C: 1378

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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