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Y/n's pov

*Unfinished Flashback*

Y/n: MOM!

I saw my mother dying in front of me

Mom: S-sweetie...

*Back to reality*

Y/n: M-mom

I started to black out, but before I did Someone carried me

???: You're the perfect one to be a neko

Right as she said "One" I passed out

*Timeskip a couple of years later*

Y/n: Who was I? Why is it that can't I remember anything for a couple years, But I do know this, I must keep my form a secret

I've been suffering amnesia for a couple of years now, it's been a long time since that, The only things that I do know is my name, I'm a cpu, and I'm a neko, I still don't know What is a cpu at all, All I know that I can never be seen by anyone in my neko form, people have called me "A freak", "A monster", "A werecat" And so many horrible things that I may cry, Nobody is my friend, And that's because I'm pretty infamous for being a neko. Even though I did nothing wrong! Thinking about it makes me wanna cry.

Y/n: Hm?

I start seeing blue goo looking things, Like from some sort of rpg, and the strangest thing is, They look part dog

I start seeing blue goo looking things, Like from some sort of rpg, and the strangest thing is, They look part dog

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One starts to tackle me

Y/n: Ouch!

I start to cry

Y/n: *Crys*

*Meanwhile in Vert's pov*

Vert: Huh? Is a kid crying?

I've never heard such a crying so figuratively painful to hear in my life

Vert: This simply will not do!

I walk over to see a Dogoo attacking a bush, but I knew That It was attacking whoever is crying, so I summon my spear to destroy the Monster

I walk over to see a Dogoo attacking a bush, but I knew That It was attacking whoever is crying, so I summon my spear to destroy the Monster

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Vert: Take this!

I throw it at the Dogoo killing it

The person who was crying Comes out of the bush, and it was a pretty young boy, A very adorable one at that.

Vert: Oh my~ Ooooooh myyyy~~~

*Back to your pov*

I saw a bland haired girl destroy that dog looking slime, I shyly went out of the bush and she blushed

I saw a bland haired girl destroy that dog looking slime, I shyly went out of the bush and she blushed

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???: Oh my~ Ooooooh myyy~~~

She hugs me, pretty strongly, Not only do I blush immensely, but my neko form is revealed

???: AAAAAAAAWWWWWW!~~~ You're a neko?~ How adorable~~~

When I heard that I tried to run, but For the first time in my life, I've been called Adorable, so I didn't run

Y/n: Did you call meow... adorable

???: Yes I did~

I decided to hug back

Y/n: I-I've nyever been called Adorable before, I've only been called horrible things

???: Awwwww there there

The Blond girl pets me, and It feels nice, And it causes me to purr

???: Mind Telling me your name when I'm petting you?

Y/n: The name is Y/n, But you can just call meow N/n

Vert: I'm Vert, And the Cpu of Leanbox, It's a plessure to meet you

Y/n: You're a Cpu to?

Vert: So you're a Cpu also?!~ Do you have any family?

I start tearing up

*3rd person pov*

Y/n: I-I can't remember

Vert starts snuggling Y/n

Vert: Do you at least have a sibling?

Y/n: N-n-no

You start tearing up again, while Vert is not only gonna cheer you


Vert: Awwwww, Don't cry, I'll be your Big sister

Y/n: I-I've nyever Had a Big sister Before.

You hold Vert's hand

Y/n: Thank you so much Big sister

Vert in her head... Again: OH MY!!!!~~~~ HE SAID IT!

Vert: You're Welcome Little Brother~~~

The two of you head to the baslilicom

[To be Continued]

Vert X little brother male neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now