Chapter 11: The rescue.

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Nekodimension: Kids or Adults who are reading this. There's nothing cooler than being hugged by someone you like. But if someone tries to touch you In a place or a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good! It's your body, nobody has the right to touch them if you don't want them to. So what do you do? First: you say no, than, ya get outta there! Most importantly! You gotta tell someone you trust, like your parents, a teacher, a police officer.

*3rd pov*

Neptune, Nepgear, Noire, Uni, Peashy and especially Blanc and Vert are getting ready. Compa is not going because she has work to do. And Plutia is asleep. So off they go to where that fat fuck went.

Neptune: This time, I'm gonna be helpful!

Nepgear: Yeah.


Y/n: Ewwww! Gross!!!

CFW trick: I'll protect you!

Y/n, Rom and Ram: THAN STOP LICKING US!!!

Y/n whispers: Can you grab that paint?

Rom whispers: Yeah

She was able to get it

Y/n: Okay, close your eyes and lick us then.

CFW trick: Okay!

You were able to dump it on yourself, Rom, and Ram. Than Tricky licks you three. But than...


He leaves the room. And you use rain dance to clean you three.

Y/n: Okay, nyow to do this.

You extend your claws and undue to rope

Ram: You're quite the smart kitten.

Y/n: I knyow, and thank you

But it wasn't to soon Linda found you three, trying to escape.

Y/n: You go one ahead. I'll handle her. And besides, I have some questions...

With a snap of your fingers You start to Interrogate  her

Y/n: So... why did you wanna kidnapped meow?

Linda: B-because your really cute.

Y/n: You're bluffing. I have ways to make you talk...

You grab her weapon

Linda: Eh, I needed a new one anyways.

Y/n: That's nyot what I had In mind

You grab your headphones and turn them to sound reduce mode and scratch your claws on her weapon


Y/n: Okay.

Linda: I wanted information on you! I think I saw you as a child!!! I wanted to catch you in the past!!! Before you were a neko!!!

You start to have some memories before you were a neko when you were chased by her

Y/n: Finally! Some information about my past!!!

Linda: But seriously your cute

Y/n: Well thanks, but I gotta escape.

You start to flee

And you caught up.

Y/n: Got some info about my past

Rom: Nice.

Ram: Awesome!

CFW trick: Hey! Come back here!

Rom and Ram transform

Rom and Ram transform

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White sister Ram: I'll let us escape!!!

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White sister Ram: I'll let us escape!!!

White sister Rom: Let's do this!!!

CFW Trick, and the white sisters fight her, it looked like CFW trick was gonna win, but he didn't think of one thing.


Peashy tackled CFW trick so hard, he fainted. But he wasn't the only villain.


Noire: SON OF A BITCH!!!

Noire: SON OF A BITCH!!!

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*Narrators pov*

Ah shit! Here we go again!!!

[To be continued]

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