i hate everything about you

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(a/n: this will contain some pov changes but nothing much at least i hope so, ok let's start writing this for real, byee see you at the end)

Tw ⚠️
suicide mentions and attempts
Overdosed and pills mention


Shirabu's pov

Alone again, i just can't believe it. i mean yeah he is one of the most popular singers at the moment with that voice and on top of  that is looks it's obvious he is famous. But he could at least found some time for his boyfriend like i try to.
Obviously i'm proud of him, but i miss the old Semi who remmembered me and loved me. I'm starting to get tired of this relationship, and that's even more painfull.


As soon as Semi got home Shirabu decided that they needed to talk it would be painfull but this couldn't keep going. 

"Hey Semi, can we talk? it's important" shirabu felt his heart starting to beat faster right after speaking.

"I don't have that much time but if it is important sure go on" even though he saw the worried look on his boyfriend's face he didn't seem bothered by it.

"So i have been thinking and this isn't working anymore, you pay more atention to your fans than to me and you don't have time for us. always come home late and i don't know what you were doing. I just can't handle it. I've had enough" at this point Shirabu was holding back his tears his now ex boyfriend couldn't see him like that, at least not right now.

"So you're saying me you wanna break up with me after all those years" Semi's face was full of anger and he didn't even realized that he was screaming when he talked.

"yes, that's pretty much what i am saying"  

"oh... well alright then if you really want to. After all i can have basicaly anyone i want to i don't need you anyway "

"If you really think so Semi go on and move with your life i will do the same, now i'm gonna go, bye"

And with that Shirabu walked away and left the house leaving the house and Semi standing there by himself. He was now walking through the streets, in the dark of that autumn night, crying alone.


After a few months Shirabu's life start getting better eventually he was more focused on university, and he was in an internship in a hospital near by, and he got happy again.  Semi on the other had was only getting worse he knew it was a lie when he said he would be okay and move on really easily. He couldn't get up from bed, and do the basic things from life such as eat or take a shower. But he had to he had to perform anyways it was hard for him but he did it.

The only thing that Semi did was stay in his bed writing songs, songs about shira, the man he still loved and always will.

A few days later Semi had a concert to give so he did but that day was the six months aniversary of the break up. So it was a specific hard day for him and he couldn't keep on going with his life at least not like this. 

He tried so hard but he couldn't get himself back to normal it was just too hard. So he made a choice he choose that that was his final day. He looked to the side and saw that drawer that had the pills in it, he walked over to it picked them up  put a ton of them to his mouth and grabed the bottle of alcohol next to him and drank to help the pills getting down, took a few more and a few more sips from the drink and swallowed them. He then proceded to get up and walk over to the stage sinceit was time for him to start.

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