Lunchtime bullies

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At the courtyard after the girls, Ace, and Deuce chased Grim for running off. After they finally caught Grim trapped under the cauldron by Deuce. June moved the cauldron and picks up Grim which he kept on struggling onto June's hold while there trying to stop him from leaving and trying to go back.

 June moved the cauldron and picks up Grim which he kept on struggling onto June's hold while there trying to stop him from leaving and trying to go back

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June: Ugh! Grim please!

Grim: No way, no way! No way I'm going back to those boring classes!

June and Reese got angry at Grim and they finally told him.

June:😠💢 Then you won't become a great wizard! That's why you had to go to class to learn how!

Reese: 😠Exactly, Grim. You can't just fast forward and rush through everything.

Grim:😾Dammit! You two are being extra strict today!

June: 😓[sighs] Let's just go to the cafeteria and eat.

A few minutes later they managed to get to the cafeteria and there happily they got a lunch break, even know June is still mad that she still agreed that she has to get Ace and Deuce what they want for lunch.

A few minutes later they managed to get to the cafeteria and there happily they got a lunch break, even know June is still mad that she still agreed that she has to get Ace and Deuce what they want for lunch

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Grim: It's finally lunch time!!! Uwaah! Everything always looks so good here!

Spring: Pretty amazing that they have a buffet.

Reese: Yeah, We never see these kinda dishes before, much less like back home.

The girls were at line to get what they want. Grim got to excited to get a bunch of food.

Grim: Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken and bacon egg tarts!!!!!

Ace: You're too loud! You're only this excited during lunch...

The girls got what they want and June was getting the chocolate croissant for Ace and a Ice latte for Deuce. There trying to picked a table for them to sit but there's too many boys staring at them making them feel uncomfortable that they were the only girls there. Grim was taking a long time so June tries to get him.

Grim: Hey, hey, I want some Grilled chicken! It's the last one! And omurice, too! Bread with jelly, too! Just take a bunch of everything!


Grim: Ah!

Until Grim bumps into a white hair student ended up having his egg on his food dropped to the floor. The white hair student looked at Grim angrily.

Student A: Aaaaaah!? Watch it! Cause of you the egg in my pasta broke!

June:🙁[thoughts in her mind] Uh oh.

Student B: Woah, woah, woah~ Breaking the gooey egg is the best part of eating Carbonana. How do you plan to pay for this!?

Student A: Hand over that Grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even.

Grim: Ffgna!? Heck, no! This is my chicken!

Student B: Ah? Not showing your senpai respect as freshmen? Come around back!

June puts her tray on the table, walks up to them and trying to get Grim away from them.

June: Come on, Grim let's just ignored them. We're sorry he just didn't see you that's all.

June managed to leave to get back to her friends until one of the students grabs her wrist making June turned back to them.

June: Aah ⁉️

Student A: What's that now? You should tell your furball some respect, Sweetheart.

Student B: Or maybe there is a way to pay us back, how would you like to come on a date with one of us?

June:😠 I am not interested on your flirting ways now let go of me!

June struggled to get out of there grasp. Deuce went to help her while Reese stood up from the table to help.

Reese: Spring, stay here.

Spring: Okay.

Reese walks over to them and slaps the student's arm, making one of them let go of her. Reese and Deuce stand in front of them.

Reese: 😠Back off, jerks. She's not interested on any of it.

Deuce: S-senpai, setting personal squabbles with magic is prohibited...

Student A: Squabble? This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!

Student B: Grit your teeth!

Deuce: Girls, you might wanna stand back.

June: Okay.

So June and Reese got out of there way and let Ace and Deuce take them down with in a magic battle.

To be continued

Well, I hoped you like it and be safe! 🙂

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