doodle 1

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Puzzle pieces are such a simple concept- find the match put it together and keep going.  Simple enough, right?  Yet they always take hours- days- weeks, even months on just one puzzle.  They are complex and unique.  Puzzles and littered with false matches.  Pieces get stuck.  Some are lost.  Hidden in plain sight.  Oddly enough it reminds me life.  We spend years looking for the final piece-  did we leave it under a completed section?  Is it in plain sight-sitting neatly right on top of every other matching piece.  What about the floor or pockets?  And inevitably when some of us don't find it we panic and cry.  We get and and break the other complete pieces and toss it into the bin.  But why toss it if it's missing one- we have so much hard work put into everything we do- that includes ourselves, so how come that one mark is so important to some individuals?  The one piece.  Others libe in bliss with 5, 6, 7, even 100 pieces missing, and yet that puzzle, their life and hard work are so precious they'd never let it go.  Some prefer missing pieces, they truly believe it makes the puzzle more fun.  It makes life more fun.

I wonder why as a society we tend to prefer the fairy tales and happily ever after?  In reality life never ends that way- and if it did Id rather be dead than live through that boredom.  Personally I think the trauma each individual faces brings them closer to who they are meant to be.  With hurt or pain how are you supposed to develop a strong personality?  Obviously no one deserves the harshness of the world- but with the harsh how do you know gentle?   If you never sad, how can you tell you are really happy?   However hurt and trauma so easily builds up.  It could explode.  And once the boom happens the real question who takes more damage-  the bomb or the people around?  I wonder though, why some react so violently to their pain, others shrink away and some exceed all limits ever applied.

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