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hhh i havent touched this app in 6 months


    I never really knew what to do with my life, besides play basketball and always be there for my friends. But, that was, well... it. I didn't necessarily get 'good' grades, wasn't 'popular,' but I did have a cool friend group! Keyword, however, was did. 

    Ever since Mari- y'know, everyone split up. Hero fell into a deep depression, Sunny shut himself in, Basil became weirdly anxious and avoiding, and Aubrey became a delinquent. Nobody really thought too much about me, always thinking that I'd moved on quickly. But, in truth, I only put on a mask to be supportive! Helpful! But, my goal dissipated quickly. And actually, way too quickly. 

    It all started on that night, when I tried comforting Hero after a whole year. I'd turned 13, and my parents never did too much for my birthday. Hero stayed in his room the entire 'party,' (which really only consisted of my parents and I,) and never spoke a word. The only sounds he muttered were choked sobs or sighs, retreating to sleep as a coping method. The whole 'party' was only my parents buying me a cake, not even singing happy birthday. They said something among the lines like, "You need to earn your gifts." and, "Maybe if you paid attention in school, we'd get you something." which, not gonna lie, kind of hurt a little. But, not necessarily as bad as what happened the very night of my birthday. 

And, if I even want to recall it, the events on that night were- rather unpleasant.


"You know, if you cared so much, maybe you could've saved her. Helped her. Instead of being a little brat." Hero spat at me, glaring. 

"I- I do care-"

"Liar. I saw you outside smiling, carefree, like there wasn't a problem in the world. You never gave a fuck about my girlfriend's death, didn't you?!" 

"Hero..! It affected me too-"

"No it fucking didn't!" Hero screamed, making me flinch. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do at all. Why is he so mad at me? What did I do wrong?

"You NEVER cared. Not at all." He snarled, tears beading up in my eyes. How do I respond? I was just trying to help-

"In fact..." How do I help him? How do I make it stop? I didn't do anything wrong, did I? The tears began to spill from my eyes.

"It should've been you, instead."

I fell backwards, curling up in a ball. I was so useless, I couldn't even help my brother. 

"Y-you... don't mean that..." I sobbed, trying to respond properly.

"Do you want me to repeat myself, you useless prick?!" He shouted again, causing me to flinch again. 

"P-please... no," I pleaded. I was only 13, what did I do wrong? Was it because I wasn't perfect like him? If only I could've been helpful.

"You should've hung yourself instead."


    I woke up, startled, clutching my head. It happened again, that same nightmare. Was it a nightmare or a memory again? Whatever, what time even was it? My mood seemed to shift a bit too quickly for my liking. No need to fret, it's probably already 9:00 in the morning, anyways!

    I checked the alarm clock that sat next to my bed, seeing that it was only 4:07. Damn. Oh well, mind as well get up now, right? Or do I lay down and let my thoughts run wild? Option two sounds fine for right now. Oh shit, but what about option 1? I could play some basketball- wait, it's four in the morning. Who cares? I could just watch tv, 'specially because it's late and I don't want anyone knowing I watch anime. Wait, that'd be super loud and it'd probably wake Sally up, (meaning my parents would be pissed at me.) What about some video games? I could hop on my old Roblox account I haven't touched in four years- wait, it's boring to play by yourself. And I don't feel like hopping from thousands of games out of boredom, anyways. What about art? Drawing? Oh wait, I have no artistic talent. Brhbrhbrhrbhr-

    Not too much later, all my thoughts turned to pure gibberish. Who cares? What if I just check Discord? Oh wait, Hero made me delete my account I made when I was 12. So, what the fuck do I even do? I don't feel tired, or maybe I do? Ugh, curse being energetic. That's when I heard a "Ping!" come from my phone. Obviously, I picked it up almost immediately. Who it was from, however, shocked me.

sunny !

sunny ! - are you awake

me - yeah! shocked to see you texting me rn lol

sunny ! - understandable

sunny ! - wait why are you awake in the first place

    I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to him. Do I tell him the truth? Probably. It'll just blow off. Probably.

me - just a quick nightmare, not much to worry about jdhkdjf

sunny ! - same here 2

me - haha! twinsies!

me - that was so fucking corny im sorry u had to witness that

sunny ! - pfft

    I chuckled, cringing at my comment. Who still says 'twinsies?!'

sunny ! - minecraft? 

me - sure why not

'sunny !' started a call.

'Kel' joined the call.

    Aaand, that brings me to where I'm at now. It's currently 5:38 in the morning, and I have full iron armor. Oh, I'm also on call with Sunny! 

    "Behind you." Sunny chuckled. I turned behind me, to be greeted with a creeper. A fucking creeper. I shrieked, but not too loud. I really didn't want to get my ass beat so early in the morning. 

    "What the fuck!?" 

    "Pffahaha..!" Sunny laughed, him being unable to hold in his laugh. I felt my face grow warmer by the minute, removing the blanket I had on, (that was originally Hero's, but he's not here right now! So, who cares? Plus, it was extra soft. Fluffy. Gotta love that.) 

    "I'll get you back for that! Your diamonds are mine, traitor!" I said, now grinning like an idiot. 

    "Not my diamonds! How could you!?" Sunny gasped dramatically, he obviously fed off of my humor. 

    "Mine now, bitch!" I taunted while running away from Sunny who was chasing me. Now, I can make full diamond armor! (Not that I was going to, maybe...) 

    "Get back here!" 

    Not much later, we became a laughing fit. Constantly making random jokes, going from how one of us was better than Dream to, "You're gay! You can't be talking!" making us laugh uncontrollably every time. Eventually, the sun began to rise, and we logged off for the day. I never necessarily thought through our daily conversations, especially after Sunny moved. But, some part of me was longing to be able to be with him again, go to Hobbeez with him again, y'know? But, here I am, moping in my empty room that's missing my older brother. Maybe today'll be a good day. Who knows? 

    The moment my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep. I didn't even realize how exhausted I was after that nightmare. I know it was real, because I remember it so vividly. I can't ever forget that moment, no matter how much I ignore it. It still lingers, no matter how much I say I'm okay. But, I don't want anybody to have to worry about me. I want them to be okay! I want them to feel okay! So, therefore, I'll make sure to not worry them any further. Hopefully. Plan A: Action!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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