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i'm actually going to a new school so 😑

you walked into the new high school, not as many people looking at you which you were okay with. you had a piece of paper in your hand trying to look for the student services office.

you walked around the school getting irritated before just deciding to go to your locker and try it out. "why is this place so big?" you mumbled to yourself.

"you good?" you looked behind you to see a kid with blonde hair and a red shirt on walking past, slowly stopping.

"yeah i just- new." you smiled and shrugged google back to your locker combo.

"ohh right i heard about you. i'm sam." he said slowly waking closer.

"y/n. any chance when i'm done you can show me to student services? this place is huge." you chuckled finally opening your locker. you only looked at him for a second before putting a bag into your locker.

"yeah of course." he smiled at you leaning against the locker, on his phone.

as you both started to walk you turned your paper back open to look at it. "what's your first class?" you heard sam ask.

"fucking language. i didn't even want it." you huffed. you looked at him as he got excited and smacked the air.

"yesss me too!" you smiled at his response still following him. he took you to the office and aid he'd wait outside so he can show you to the class.

once you finished up you walked out to see sam talking to some boy with dark brown hair and a gorgeous smile. obviously you saw he must've had braces for how straight his teeth were. you looked back at your paper trying not to be awkward.

walking over to sam, you heard your name and looked up. "this is colby, he's my boyfriend."

your smile faded in a small questionable look before they both laughed.

"KIDDING, he's my best friend." he joked hitting your arms. "you homophobic?!" they looked at you in shock.

you stepped up a bit, "oh! WHAT no god no- i was just surprised at first. gay guys are the coolest tho." you laughed. they smiled at you and you watched as colbys eyes looked around your body making you a little nervous.

"colby doesn't have first period with us but he has third with me, what do you have?" sam said as you all walked up the stairs.


"yes!" they said.

"you guys don't have a lot of freinds huh?" you joked. you saw them kinda shrug. you slightly hit sams arm, seeing colbys kinda sigh. once you said goodbye to colby, you and sam walked into the class room laughing a bit about soemthing.

"is colby okay?" you asked sitting down next to sam. he shrugged.

"it's a little annoying here with some people, you'll figure-"

"new girl." you heard someone drag a chair in front of you. you looked over to see some boy in a jersey.

"who wears jerseys on the first day?" you looked at his shirt. he shrugged.

"i'm parker, you're the new one right?" he said ignoring your questions. you nodded and put your bag on the ground grabbing a pen. "with Samuel golbach, yikes." he said.

you looked up at him then back at sam who rolled his eyes and laid back in the chair on his phone.

"how you liking the school?" he kept making convo.

you looked at sam, "so why'd you even pick this class? you obviously know my reasons." you giggled
making sam smile at you.

"you're so fiery, kinda hot." parker said tapping your desk before getting up. you left the chair and you kicked it back with your foot.

"anyways-" sam laughed, leaning on the desk. "my mom said it's good for me since i wanna travel."

"ooo travel, where to?" you asked getring more interested. he shrugged.

"anywhere. colby and i always go like ghost hunting and do these stupid adventures at places. you should go sometime he usually bring some of our friends too." he said. the bell rang making you just nod and lean back waiting to hear what the teacher was going to say.


"i heard you guys like exploring?" you mentioned looking at colby. he smiled at you and nodded, taking a bite out of his food.

"abandon places." he said, finishing. "sam invite you along?"

"is that bad?" you asked feeling a little annoyance from his tone. he looked at you surprised as your body went a bit stiff.

"oh wait no- i'm just saying i was gonna ask but if sam already did-" he paused looking at you. you smiled.

"i'm kidding with you colbs." sam came back with his lunch, tripping. you looked over at all the commotion to see the parker kid behind him laughing.

"watch we're you step viner."

"whatever." sam huffed trying to get up. you and colby stood up when you saw parker grow an angry expression.

"wassup? what'd you say?" he said slightly angry.

"alright leave him alone." you said walking in fr of colby to say, colby helped him up as you grabbed the tray.

"always the hot ones for the wrong group." he laughed with his friend. you rolled your eyes going to throw away the plate. you felt someone walk up to you, being right behind you when you turned around.

"jesus parker, just leave me alone." you said looking at him.

"what's your issue?" he growled facing down at me. you backed up a bit getting nervous, scared nervous.

"you're being rude. leave me alone. please." you begged trying to walk away.

he grabbed you by your shirt pulling you down. you saw sam and colby run over a parker was about to bend down and say sum to you.

"yo get away-" you heard colby yell pushing him down from hovering over you. everyone in the cafe started to boot and holler.

you started to get up as sam pulled you up. you grabbed colbys arm, pulling him back. parker started to get up looking angrier. he walked closer and colby didn't budge with your pulling. "colby leave it."

he looked at you before walking away with you and sam. he shook a bit making you get off his arm. he watched as he walked to the cafe and grabbed his bag and walked out.

sam sighed and you both followed him.

"he's such a prick, i should've hit him." colby said turning around bearing our footsteps.

"anddd you wouldn't have been in school anymore." you laughed. he smiled at you before you all headed out to the bleachers outside.


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