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Upstairs in the 14-person household held a different story. In a room, filled with purple and black furniture, sat six now full-grown adults.

Misa paced back and forth punching her hand into her fist as Hiro told her to breathe.

"What you said was wrong." Mumbles Taeyong

"Now's not the time, Tae." Says Loona, annoyed

Misa scrunches her face in annoyance at her brother's words.

"And what he said was okay? He basically told me to go! God he's so lucky that West wants to wait until marriage to live together because if he didn't, I would be out of here!" She yells

"Mis—" Hiro tries to say

"No! This is ridiculous. I just came from a great workout session, we then went and ate good food. Just for me to come back and deal with him—I—I hate him!" She announces to the world

"No you don't." Ji-Han says, "You're just mad."

"Don't tell me that I don't know how I feel about a person." She argues

"It's not that serious. Be happy because now that it's on the table, dads won't say shit to you."Ji-Han says

"They will." Loona and Zin say at the same time

Finally Misa plops onto the ground, joining the circle of her siblings.

She notices Sula is missing. She misses Sula.... She misses Sera....

Suddenly her lip quivers and her siblings grow worried. Misa doesn't cry.

She does not cry.

Hiro, who is seated beside her pulls into a tight side hug as she begins to sob.

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him." She cries softly as her brother holds her.

"I miss mom." She crept out and she hasn't noticed the tight frowns that formed on her siblings faces.

They were 9.5 the last time they saw Sera. She had kissed them like she always did and then she said she'd be back... only, she never returned.

Days went by and they finally just stopped asking for her or where she was. They could tell it hurt their fathers just like it had hurt them.

"I sometimes think about how she smelled like... vanilla and strawberries..." Taeyong sniffled, more hurt that he didn't even get the chance to see his mother. His reasoning being that he didn't want the mushiness she'd always give before she left without them. But right now, he'd give anything to see his mother one more time.

"Remember when Ja-Won was being mean and she snuck us out to an amusement part when he left?" Ji-Han queries

"Then we came home and he found out and mom rushed us to our rooms." Zin's says sadly

"Or when we could cuddle with her when he wasnt there." Taeyong said with a sad smile

"Or when she would rub our heads when we became sick." Loona now spoke sadly

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