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though the news of min seola's mistreatment had swept through the school, there wasn't much reprimanding that came yebin's way. though whispers seemed to follow her wherever she went, no one really said anything to her face. she supposed she had seokyung to thank for that, for if someone were to "step out of place" the hotheaded girl would be quick to shut them down.

of course, at home it was a different issue. the second she got home she was met with the sight of her parents seated on the couch, faces stern as they waited for her arrival. though they said they had everything under control, their worries were hard to mask. her father's long days at work were followed by long nights in his office, serving as a constant reminder that her actions had effected not just her parent's perception of her, but also the public's perception of her parents.

however, it wasn't even a week before blame for min seola's death was being pinned onto another person.

"omg omg omg !!" jeni jumped up and down, looking at her phone with a smile on her facce. her exclamation gathered the attention of everyone practicing, some annoyed as they placed their instruments down and looked up at her. "i'm denouncing a mother who is twisted with menace and obsession," jeni began, reading the article's headline to the whole class. everyone gathered around, waiting in anticipation as jeni skimmed the article by herself. "hey, bae rona, isn't this article about ur mom? its talking about the mother of a student who recently got accepted after a tragic accident took place at a prestigious school."

"is she a murderer?" seokyung asked, reading teh article over jeni's shoulder. the class immediately broke into murmurs, eyeing rona in confusion. after being put on the spot, rona took jeni's phones out of her hands, taking a look at the article herself.

yebin chewed on the dead skin on her lip, watching as bae rona scrolled through jeni's phone with a worried expression, seokyung and jeni stood next to her, small smirks on their faces as they exchanged knowing looks. the instructor had only been gone for two minutes and they were already disrupting the class.

"the article is true right? that's why u're so speechless?" jeni yanked her phone back from rona's grasp. rona stepped back a bit, looking around nervously. it wasn't long until a big circle formed around the two girls with only a few feet in between them.  rona remained silent, worried eyes scanning the faces of the people around her. "by any chance, was it ur mom who pushed min seola?"

"u mean she'd go through such lengths for her only daughter?" minhyuk asks, taking a stance next to jeni and looking at rona with disgust. "wah, scary."

"now that i think about it, ur mom came to us with cut up hands the day after min seola's death." jeni continued to push the scared girl, the classes gasps and murmurs only egging her on. jeni steps closer to rona, a small smile creeping onto her face. finally feeling like the situation was going too far, yebin reached out for jeni's hand, but was swatted at by eunbyul before she could reach. eunbyul glared at her, before looking at everyone else to make sure that no one noticed the small exchange. for extra measure, eunbyul took yebin's hand and pulled her back just a bit more. rona's face hardened at jeni's closeness, but she didnt step back. "what do u think really happened? did she kill min seola and then cover it up as a suicide?"

"are you done talking?" rona snapped, pushing jeni down onto the floor. everyone backed up in shock, watching as jeni then got up and lunged at rona. jeni was quick to push her down, kicking her after rona landed on the floor with a thump.

rona still had soem fight in her, and she picked up a discarded instrumental mallet that had been knocked down. rona held it up to hit jeni, but decided against it after she saw the way jeni flinched. this only made jeni angrier, and she once again pushed rona down into a set of instruments. but she didn't end her beating with just one kick like last time. jeni didn't hold back as she began to continuously kick and slap at rona, yelling at her as she did so.

"how dare u come at me? do u want to die?"

yebin shook out of eunbyul's tight grasp and walked up to jeni, doing her best not to roll her eyes at the stares and murmurs following her actions. yebin holds jeni's arms in place, gently pulling her away from rona. "jeni-ah, the teacher is gonna come back soon. they're going to think that u're the instigator if they see the way u're beating her." yebin does her best to keep her voice level, scared that jeni might start throwing punches at her if she doesn't say something reasonable.

jeni gave in with a huff and yebin began helping her fix her hair, keeping a small smile on her face the whole time. minhyuk joined in on the pampering, cooing at jeni's distressed expression before going on to mutter about how crazy rona is for raising her hand at jeni. yebin spared rona a small glance, watching as she also gathered herself, no doubt fighting back tears. the second that the teacher walked in and began questioning what happened everyone filed back into their place, apologies spilling from their lips before the practicing continued.

eunbyul was the only one who didn't believe yebin's oscar worthy performance and for the rest of the school day yebin couldn't escape eunbyul's glaring. the only relief she got was when eunbyul would instead glare at rona, which wasn't much of an improvement considering she was mostly mad at the poor girl because yebin helped her out that day. on the bright side, rona seemed to get an inkling as to what was going on too, probably because of eunbyul's weird attitude. by the end of the day eunbyul was the more annoyed with rona than anyone else, including jeni who went sicko mode on her not even 5hours ago.


eunbyulie~ ♥️

did u think u wouldn't have to
explain just cause u ran out the
door once school ended?

explain what ??

u know what!

eunbyul, luvbug, i really don't

don't luvbug me rn!!

u helped bae rona when jeni
was beating her ass

i helped jeni before she got herself
into trouble.

maybe i helped rona a little in the process
but the teacher was right outside the door

i don't think they would've been
too happy with seeing rona get
fucking owned

maybe they would've giggled a bit
but jeni could've gotten in serious

but luvbug u r on thin ice !!

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