Introduction I: His Ghost

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Lillian's apartment in downtown Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 10th, 1978

Lillian was an elementary school teacher who had found a quaint studio apartment in Detroit, only three months prior.  She didn't praticularly care for the neighborhood, but the pay was decent and she loved teaching children.


"You really ought to stop scaring me like that."  Lillian groaned as the specter man walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet as she laid in the bathtub, playing in the bubbles around her.

"Well what's the fun in that?" the ghost smirked at her, shoving his costume top hat snuggly on his head.

"You could make your presence known, for once," she rolled her eyes, settling a washcloth on her shoulders and collar bone, taking up some of the soap bubbles as she spoke, "Keith, who were you before you died?

The ghost, Lillian came to know the ghost as Keith, who's had her vexed and confused for a few days now, since September 6th, to be exact.  At  first, he scared her with his large personality.  She rounded the corner, and of course, Keith had jumped out in all his briliant craziness.  First glance, Lilllian thought he was an intruder and ran.

"I don't know Lily.  All I know is that my name is.... was Keith.  I remember vaguely something about the moon, playing the drums, and one man in praticular."  Keith stated, fuzzily, as he got up and eyed himself in the mirror, nothing.

"Maybe you were in a band or an orchestra? Who were you?" the thirty-two year old, young American woman questioned and the rather disheleved shell of a once, man.

"Who are you!  The Who, that's it!  The Who! You have to find him!"  Keith ran excitedly over to her and attempted to shake her, but soon realized that his hands went right through her, "His name started with a P!" 


The Palace of Auburn Hills gate, Pontiac, Michigan. October 4th, 1978.

"Are you sure about this Keith?  I mean, how do I get back stage?  You don't even know his name." She muttered as she pulled down the sleeves of her shirt over her wrists, nervously.

Keith rolled his eyes as she whispered almost incoherenlty.  Nobody else but Lillian could see or hear him, sometimes she wondered why she was the only one who could see ghosts, let alone one hang around her permanently.  He only wished that she would help him with whatever his 'unfinished business' was, in return, he would help her with whatever she needed, as crazy as he was.

"Fine Keith... You've got to show me how to get back there. I've never been here before."  she spoke quietly to him, before the attendant ripped her ticket; letting her inside.  Keith guided her to the backstage doors, with guards oblivious to the situation.  The Palace of Auburn Hills was huge, but she had been to the venue before, but in the Mezzanine area of the audience.  Lillian was nervously shaking at that point, Keith trying to calm her down as they reached the dressing rooms and food common area.

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