Chapter 21: Final Encounter. Last Goodbye

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Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

'word': examples, sarcasm

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts


3rd Person POV

The team divided in groups. Koishi, Kokoro and Satori faced Kasen and Reimu while Logan and Jane stood infront of Sally

Jane:"This can still change, you don't need to do this!" Pleaded Jane, trying to convince Sally

Sally:"Ha, like if i'd join the side of such dumb beings, did you seriously think i would be with you losers? I rather die"

Koishi:"I assure you, that wish will be granted" Spoke up Koishi while in her clash with Reimu

Y/N couldn't so anything but watch as everyone tried to desperately end the other team, the chains on his arms and the seal that had sealed away his youkai skills gave him no chance to get out on his own

Y/N: There must be something i can do...if only i could find out what...

Sally checked her revolver's barrel, then smiled to herself

Sally:"Three bullets, just what i need" She said before saving the barrel back in the gun and spun it

Logan took firm grip of his sword while Jane did the same with her bat

Sally:"Not even i know which shot will have the bullet, lets se if you're lucky enough"

Meanwhile, Koishi and Reimu were having a one-on-one with Reimu obviously having the advantage. Koishi's strength and speed weren't nearly enough to do a thing to Reimu

Reimu:"The sooner the better, we must finish this and then we'll keep the barrier safe!" Said the miko while making a barrier infront of her, preventing Koishi's knife attack

Kasen:"I'm aware of that, i'll start trying a bit more!"

Kokoro and Satori were going against Kasen, Kokoro taking on with close combat while Satori used danmaku that was being deflected over and over

Y/N: This is a battle of stamina, whoever gets tired first dies

He thought to himself, trying to break free of the chains in order to help but his attempt being futile. Kokoro was managing well but not enough as Kasen was barely even trying, leveling up the speed and strength of her blows little by little

Kasen:"Sorry for this, i wont kill you but you wont get out of this one without a scratch!"

Satori:"KOKORO! DUCK!"

Kasen parried Kokoro's last spear attack, then Kokoro was attacked from behind by a giant eagle that grabbed both of her arms and kept her immobile as Kasen delivered a small barrage of kicks. Satori gasped and increased the amount of bullets shot drastically to free her friend

Reimu:"Alright, i'm already tired!"

Reimu quickly dodged Koishi's attack and kicked her back, leaving the youkai stunned for a short time, enough time to let her prepare something

Reimu:"Dream Sign-!"

A circle appeared below Koishi's feet, leaving her confused while Reimu did a pose with her seal cards

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