Chapter 5: Arcade Madness

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A/N: i don't regret any of my sins on writting this, she's cuter than how i thought, i mean, how she acts and looks, try to prove me wrong


A/N: well, i got another waifu it seems...


Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

'word': background voices

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts



Koishi:"beep! beep! beep!"

I opened my eyes to see Koishi's face dangerously close to mine while saying "beep" outloud again

Koishi:"beep! be--! oh hey, you're up"

Y/N:"why wake me up so early?"

Koishi:"i wanted to know you were fine, also, we need to head to school"

Y/N:"have you forgotten?"

Koishi: ?

Y/N:"there's no school on weekends"


Y/N:"on weekends is a time to rest, so we stop going to school for that time"

Koishi:"but why do that?"

Y/N:"i actually don't know, but if i had to guess i'd say because we should need to rest after five days of overworking ourselves"


She got up and vanished, then returned in her normal clothes

Koishi:"i like school but not so much the uniform, it makes me feel unconfortable on it"

Y/N:"i can agree..."

Koishi:"anyways, you're ok right?"

Y/N:"never felt better i guess"

Koishi:"glad to hear it, now let's go eat, i already made breakfast"

Y/N:"fast learner it seems"

She giggled and vanished again, i walked down and saw her already eating so i sitted on the oposite side

Y/N:"so... i wanted to ask you about your skills"

Koishi:"sure, what about them? pretty cool right?"

Y/N:"it is cool, but i actually wanted to ask you what else you can do"


She used a napkin to clean her mouth

Koishi:"besides of danmaku and manipulation of the unconcious i can realize actions unconciously"

Y/N:"can you be... more... specific on the last part? what do you mean "realize actions ucnonciously"?"


She looked around and stopped her gaze on a pan and teleported to it, then teleported back to her chair with the pan on her hand

Koishi:"take cooking as an example, once i knew how to cook i could think of other things while cooking as i do things i know how to do without knowing"

Y/N:"ok, let me see if i get it, you can perform any action without knowing you're doing it"


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