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Hello lovely people! I saw that you guys are talking a lot here and I love looking at your conversations so I created a discord server

Hello lovely people! I saw that you guys are talking a lot here and I love looking at your conversations so I created a discord server

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(any server name suggestion ;-;)

wattpad doesn't allow links so if you're interested in the server just chat me on discord (Strawberry Milk#0247) and I'll invite you

wattpad doesn't allow links so if you're interested in the server just chat me on discord (Strawberry Milk#0247) and I'll invite you

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ps. I've already modified the server it has music bots, meme bots, and even the Katheryne Bot, I'd love to talk to all of you!!


(next update is tomorrow, season 2 is on monday [south-east time])

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