moony your pal

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After paying for it Moony got a text from someone you didn't bother asking as it felt rude.
"Hey, {Y/N} I have some leftover money to spare wanna go shop for some clothes?"
Moony then put down her phone and looked over at you
You gave moony a thumbs up and you two walked around
"Hey, I think we should go here they have some pretty cool stuff"
You looked over and saw a store mostly selling wedding dresses and tuxedos and basically just fancy stuff
"Moony that's a wedding store.. "
You said looking at moony like shes crazy
"WHAT NOOO its- a cool store.. JUST- CMON"
Moony said as she went inside the store. you felt like you had no choice but to follow her but you found it weird that Moony would be into this kind stuff, maybe she's ready into romance? That would explain a lot actually.
"I think I'm gonna pick this bow it's cool yet nice"

Moony said picking up a black bow
Moony then looked over at you waiting for you to pick something.
You looked around and saw
[insert fancy clothes of your choice]
You and moony then went to pay you were going to leave the store but Moony stopped you
"Let's.. Put on the clothes"
Moony seemed embarrassed to say that
"What? Why?"
You asked Moony
Moony then looked around trying to think of something
"It feels cooler"
Is what she could say
You were still confused
"When you go staking with fancy clothes on you feel cooler"
Moony said but she seemed annoyed
You shrugged and walked over to change lucky there was a dressing- thing-
When you got out you say moony just waiting for you already in her bow
"Finally, now let's go to the skate park, quickly we have no time!"
Moony then (somehow) grabbed your arm and starting running to the stake park
You were weirded out by why Moony was such in a rush
And for some reason there was a skate park inside the mall.
Once you two got to the skate park Moony got on her skate board and just
Started skating. It didn't take you long before you learned on to get on the board and push yourself but you were too scared to do tricks the whole time you were learning Moony was cheering you on while doing tricks.
You got comfortable with the skateboard really quickly you didn't know why but maybe it's best not to question it.
You wanted to try to do a trick
But you failed.
And fell to the floor
Moony stopped and went to make sure you're still alive
"Tricks? Already? Alright"
Moony seemed confused bit respected your determination
"Just so you know just because you're learning faster than me doesn't mean you'll be better"
Moony said in a rude way
You didn't know if she was being mean on purpose or if she just seems rude and just Joking around. You shook it off and continued skating (or at least trying) after work a while they were more people at the skate park which made you a bit nervous so you stopped skating at pretended to take a break. Moony stopped and noticed you sitting alone. She soon floated over
"Hey uh- why aren't you skating?"
Moony asked
"Idk just kinda got nervous when people showed up"
You told moony
Moony rolled her eyes and sighed
"Man, I swear you and Ena are so a-like the main difference is that Ena talks more fancy and screams and cries whenever she's not happy"
Moony said in a annoyed tone
You lightly giggled and shrugged it off

But.. To be completely honest she hasn't been sad sense you appeared, sometimes I wonder if she's gonna need me in the future"
Moony seemed.. Sad?
"What do you mean by that? She's your friend of course she needs you"
You said confused
"Yea but hearing/seeing how you treat Ena even when you two where only friends it.. It makes me feel like a terrible best friend"
Moony looked down at the ground
"Moony.. "
You said in a sad tone
"No it's fine"
Moony said brushing it all off
"No Moony it's not. Listen even though it may not seem like it Ena still needs you. What if something happens to me? Then she'll have no one to turn to if you weren't here. Plus you're also my friend too"
You told Moony
"Yeah but Enas my best friend, you're not my best friend"
Moony said quite rudely
"Good point but what I'm trying to say is don't worry about it you're like a sister to Ena"
You told Moony
"She said that?"
Moony said with a serious face
"Nooo but it's a gut feeling plus that's what it seems like"
You replied
Moony nodded but not long after she got a phone call

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