what in the world

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You two Went inside and saw a LOT of doggies some big some small and lots of different colored flowers however they all look the same just different colors
There was a tank the ran around the place it noticed us and shoot something
A ball with a month on it?
The mouth then spat out a  ̶f̶u̶r̶r̶y
cat-like creature it seemed grumpy like it just woke up from a nap
It called Ena a trouble maker

But as far as you knew that wasn't exactly true,
Ena asked the cat if we could talk to the famous entity
And then it started hitting Ena
This pissed you off and you pushed the Shepard away from Ena
She got even angrier, you didn't care
You had to make sure Ena was ok, she seemed fine but you still had to give her a little kiss just in case.
The shepherd tried to hit you but failed to do so, you turned around and faced the shepherd with and angry expression on your face but before you two could do anything Ena pulled you back and showed the shepherd a turrón this made the shepherd happy and did a little turrón dance
She then let you and Ena pass
You where still pretty angry though..
You tow continued talking along the weird path something odd with cat doorways? Idk it's weird
It didn't take long to Ena up in this weird gray place a banana has Seemed to catch Enas eye you didn't know why. Maybe it was because it was floating but also spinning.
But then an odd entity called out
You didn't understand what the lady who was on a plate was saying but you didn't like the tone she was using but instead of getting angry you let Ena take control this time.
Ena gave then the blood id the shepherd gave us, but the lady seemed angry more than she was before. Then Ena screamed
Out of nowhere. Of course you got worried and tapped Ena on the arm, she seemed sad so you tired giving her a hug to make her feel better, it seemed to work a bit.
The lady got confused and let us pass you and Ena continue walking.
Not long before you two end up in what seems like a pathway with doors that look like cats.
Ena knew which one to go through,
At this point you where confused as ever many places in what seemed to be- a- WHATEVER EVERYTHING IS WEIRD
I love it.
Despite everything it's still cool and interesting it didn't make sense but that was the fun of it
How the heck did we end up in a desert.
As you and Ena walked You two found yourselves near a pyramid near the pyramid was some sort of biblically accurate angel and the angel spat out a pink dolphin

[Heyyyy so yeah sorry I just died on y'all.. I kinda just lost motivation because being unoriginal is Boring as heck, I've been working more on my art and other social medias if you wanna check those out. I'm happy to see that y'all are still enjoying my fan fiction even if it's unfinished, maybe one day I'll make an ending.
But thank you all for the love you've shown my woke. -author/van_cat]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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