the other day

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Next morning:
Alexis Pov:
I woke up next morning took a quick shower , dress up and went down to the kitchen where I found both of mom and dad sitting on the table
"morning" i said
Steph:"morning sweetheart , I made some toasts with cheese want some?"
Alexis:"Yes , I'd love to " said with a smile
Mom passed me the plate and i asked for some juice and then I start eating
Alexis:"So, are you guys gonne pick me up after school today?"
Steph:"No honey, i think Kathy will come to you . I may have extra work to do today just as yesterday, and i guess it's the same situation with your father,but why are you asking though?"
Alexis:"just asking , i thought maybe you guys will come pick me up after school today and maybe talk "
David:"talk? Is there something you wanna tell us?"
Alexis:"em.. w well yeah, kinda"
My parents got confused
David:"ugh, what did you do Alexis?"
Alexis:"nothing daddy I swear"
Steph:"so what do you wanna talk about?"
Alexis:"actually i have something to tell you guys but i can't now ,I'll tell you after school and it's not that i got in trouble or something it's another thing"
David:"and why not now?"
Alexis:"I'm not ready sir to be honest , just please give me some time "
Steph:" alright then , me and your father will be picking you up after school today, right David?"
David:"yes sure"
Alexis:"no you don't have to , we can talk later "
Steph:"no honey it's okay , whatever it is we will work things out okay?"
Alexis:"okay thanks mom" i said smiling at her "i gotta go the bus is here , see ya"
"Okay have a nice day" both mom and dad said

Stephanie's POV:
David:"honey why did you put me in such a position?"
Steph:"i know baby I'm sorry i just wanted to give some time for our daughter "
David:"Yeah i know and i understand , but you know I have too much pressure and work to do "
Steph:"i know I'm sorry ,so do I but I think there's nothing more important than Lexie "
Kathy:"so did she tell you guys?"
Steph and David :"Hey good morning"
Steph:"wait, what do you know Kate?"
Kathy raise her hands and said "Nothing , nothing i didn't say anything"
David:"come on you know something"
Kathy:" ugh fine , i do but I'll leave to her to tell you guys just please listen to her and think deep before you say anything"
David:"okay , did she kill anyone?"
Kathy:" haha funny, but no she didn't"
Steph:"sounds good"
Kathy:"but seriously guys don't give her a hard time
David and Steph nodded
David:"alright since i have to finish work early i gotta start early as well"
"See ya" he said kissing his wife and left
"So do i , i gotta go to work" Kathy said
"Okay , have a nice day "
" You too sis"

Alexis's POV :
The bus just left leaving us at school
I was with Jessy in that time
Jes:"So what happened did you talk to your parents?"
A:"gosh , you're Soo annoying ,stop asking about it every single minute , you're making me nervous"
J:"No I'm not , you're complicating things why you just don't tell them you know that the registration will end up soon "
A:"I know I know , but you just don't understand ! My parents aren't the same as yours "
J:"oh come on, do you think I have the coolest parents just because they let me go to a party for ONCE?!"
A:"well yeah , at least you went for ONCE!"
J:"just shut up lex "
A:"fine" i said , left her and went to my locker I took some books from there and put some while I noticed a handsome guy standing with Veronica the popular girl the bully did I ever mentioned how much I hate her? Anyway I was lost in my thoughts until some one came behind me
"Booh" Jessy said
"Oh screw you, you scared me!" I replied
"Sorry sorry " she said laughing
" So did you like matt?"
"Who's matt?" I asked
"The one that you were looking at just second ago"
"That one is Matt?!"
"Yep , he's the one I told you about , and if i don't get a chance with him at least you get "she said
"No, it's impossible , not with Veronica around him anyway" i exclaimed
"Fair enough "
And with the bell rings and we went all to our classes
The day went normal I spent the day with Jessy until our last class and the school day was over i went outside Jessy got on the bus while my parents came to pick me up i noticed dad's car and went to him opened the door and get in
"Hey mom and dad " i said closing the door
Steph"hey honey, how was your day?"
Alexis":it was good, nothing special"
We drove for like 5min in silence and then my dad decided to break the silence
David:"so what's the thing that you wanted to talk about?"
Alexis:"okay, can't we talk about it once we get home" said hopefully
Steph:"Alexis stop playing around , we missed work today and cleared out schedule just for you so stop and TALK" she warned
I set there silent for about 1 or 2 minutes maybe thinking of what I'm gonne say and how to start it
"Okay , you guys work all day recently and most of the time I had Kathy to  pick me up from school , so i was informed about an after school activity that i want to attend , please before you say no read these " i said handing two brochures to them my mom was the one who starts reading and getting into the details my dad just saw it and left it in front of him probably cause he was driving and i think he left this for my mom to take care of
"It's an after school activity , I'm sooo interested in it I wanted something extra to do after school and maybe you guys could come pick up once you finish working , the registration will end up on Thursday " i added
"That means tomorrow" my mom said
Looking at me I nodded in response
"So why you didn't tell us before so that you give us time to think , you can't just ask in the last minute !" She said
Damn i knew this was coming what I'm gonna do now? What I'm gonna do ? How to convenience her
"I-i just didn't find the perfect time to talk about"
" The perfect time? You could've tell us yesterday at dinner !" My dad said
"Yesterday was exactly Not the perfect time" i mumbled
But i knew both of my parents heard me perfectly
" And why yesterday wasn't a good time for you?" mom said confused
" You guys were mad at me I had no chance , dad lectured me the whole time and he even spanked me " i said
"Oh so you think that will change now? " Dad said
"Who made you think that the decision we're gonna made now will be different than the one yesterday
And who said you being in trouble or getting spanked or whatever will change it?" Mom added
"I don't know , i just didn't feel it was a good time to talk about , I'm sorry , please say yes and i promise I'll never ask you for anything again please !" I pleaded
"We need time to think Alexis ,and you giving this in the last minute will only lead to less chances of saying yes , so you made it worst for yourself" mom said
"Please mom please, a lot of my friends will get in even Jessy will be there she already sign in, I just want to do something after school" i pleaded again
"I don't care what your friends do Alexis, I'm taking responsibility of you not them " dad said
"But da.."
"Enough Alexis , stop arguing " he cut me
"But da.."
"One more word and you're getting a spanking once we get home' he cut me off again
Good job Alexis really good job now if you had any chance of having them saying yes now you lose it how can you be so stupid and argue with them I sat there loosing hope i wanted to cry So much and never stop why they have to be that strict all the time it's not even a big deal
Shut up Alexis you knew this was coming why you asked them in the last minute you know they need time to think for almost anything
Once we got home I immediately went upstairs to my room i wanted to lay on my bad and cry but i didn't i took a shower instead put a Black t-shirt on and jeans short i brush my hair and start on my homework a few hours passed i was laying on my bad scrolling through my phone and then I heard a knock on my door
"Come in" I  said and my dad shows up
"Hey dad" I said
David :"Hey dinner in 10min "
Alexis :"Okay"
David :"Are you okay?"
Alexis:"yeah I'm fine"
David:"why you disappeared all day?"
Alexis:"i just wanted to spent some time in my room"
David:"alright then"
I nodded and he left my room after 10min i went upstairs finding both mom and dad sitting on the dinning table someone is missing Kathy? Where's kathy did she left to her house?
"Em where's kathy?"i asked
"She left honey"mom said
I nodded in response
Great just great the only person who save my ass just left before we were 2vs2 (me+kathy vs mom&dad)
And now I'm solo
I was eating my food while my parents were talking not really listen to their talk until I heard my name
"So how's your day Alexis "Steph said
"It was good"i said politely not letting my head up from my plate
"Are you okay honey? You seem sad"Steph said
"I'm not mom , it's just about the club like i really want to sign in"
"Sorry sweetie another time"Steph said smiling to me
I nodded in response well i don't need a smile i need a yes
"Can I go to my room?" I asked politely
"Honey you've been there all day, why don't you stay with us we're gonna make some tea and talk"Steph said
Make some tea and talk huh? Well it's more like we want to argue and yell at you that's the real reason but no thanks
"Em, no I'm tired I wanna go to bed"i said
"Fine, have a goodnight baby" she said while I kissed both of my parents and tell them goodnight

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