next morning

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I woke up next morning a bit earlier so i took a shower and change and then went downstairs to the kitchen where I found both of my parents as always
"Morning" i said
"Good morning honey, you want some pancakes?" Mom said
"Yup" i answered
We had breakfast in silence as always and my mom drove me to school
Once I get in the building I saw my best friend Jessy standing with Matt chatting and laughing she waved her hand once she saw me it was a sign for me to come
Jessy:Hey lex
Alexis: hey (having eye contact with Matt )
Jessy: so this is Matt he is in the football team and also a member in the club , Matt this is my friend Alexis
Matt:nice to meet you (he smiled)
Alexis:nice to meet you too (smiled back)
Matt:so why don't you join the club?
Alexis:oh it's because...
I couldn't finish my sentence and Jessy intrupted me
Jessy : because she didn't like it
I gave her a look and she gave me one back
Matt:okay i can understand that, not many people are interested in music anyway
Jessy:yeah sure (fake smile)
Matt:okay, i guess is time to go , see ya
Jessy&Alexis: see ya

A:wtf was that?
J:wooow , the good girl start saying bad words huh?
A: Jessy stop , why did you told him I'm not interested in music
J:so what you're gonna tell them no i Wish i can join but my parents didn't let me cause they're fucking boring and don't let me do anything and ofc I'm Soo idiot and coward to stand against them and fight about my FUCKING RIGHTS !"
I stood there shocked how could my best friend talk to me this way and worst thinks that I'm idiot and coward?
I didn't answer her i just left her and went straight to class not wanting to look or talk to her anymore our friendship is OVER
The day went normal but ofc hard without her but i had to take it in a way or another i didn't want to loose my friend like this , like i do love her and trust her but she really hurted me i just wanted to cry but i know i couldn't it will only make me the crybaby infront of everyone and ofc i don't want to be like that
"Miss Wilson" i got intrupted by my math teacher
"Y-yes sir?" I said
"Would you like to repeat what I was saying?"
Shit i had no idea I guess I lost in my thoughts for too long
"I'm sorry sir" i said
"I don't need an apology , you know the rules enough to listen to the lesson and show some respect and since you just broke a rule , you're getting detention after class "
No no no no i can't have detention my parents will kill me
"B-but sir .." i tried but he intrupted me
"I don't wanna hear it miss Wilson , unless you wanna make it 2h?"
I stay shut for the rest of the class and try listening to whatever he was saying the school day has ended not for me ofc i still have an hour of detention and that's just great
Once it was over i decided to call Kathy and see if she can come pick me up i know i could've called my parents instead but i don't want a lecture all the ride home
The phone start ringing but she didn't pick up must working now i had no choice but to walk and ofc it's gonna be about another hour to get home so 2hours late yaaaay I'm DEAD

Once i arrived home i didn't even have to knock cause my mom was already waiting for me she pointed to the living room
Great time for the lecture and punishment
I sit on the couch facing both of my parents with angry faces
"Where the hell were you?"dad said
" I had detention"i replied
"And what for?"mom asked
"Not paying attention in class" i said looking down not wanting to make eye contact with either of them
"Not paying attention? Didn't we have a talk about that last year? I thought i had cross the idea to your head , but i guess you need an update " my dad starts yelling
"No sir , it's not the same I didn't do it on purpose i just lost in my thoughts" i said
"And what were you thinking of?" Mom asked
Shit i was expecting that question . Should i tell them? That i had a fight with my bff and now our friendship is over , no doesn't sound like a good idea I have to come up with something more ..
"Your mom asked you a question" dad said
F**k i lost in my thoughts again
"Emm...well i don't know" put my head down again
"Look at me when I'm talking to you" dad said
"Emm well no? I think you need a serious adjustment young lady !"
"Hand me your phone " my mom said
"But..."couldn't finish my statement and my dad intrupted me
" One word come out of you and we will have a talk in your room"dad warned
A talk? That means spanking
I just didn't say anything else took my phone out of my backpack and hand it to my mom and then I was sent to my room until dinner and told to do my homework Wich will be checked by my dad
We had dinner and i was told that I'm grounded For 1 month no phone no friends no fun just HELL
So my day started with a fight with my bff and then detention and concluded with a lecture from my parents and grounding lucky i didn't got a spanking this time but still
What a great day you had Alexis, what a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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