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~ phoenix ~

The tyres rolled to a halt before the suburban country house.

Gianna didn't say anything as her narrowed eyes raked over the place. Even if she did ask why, I wouldn't have an answer for her.

I turned off the ignition

A huge board, screaming SOLD was standing in the front yard. I felt my eyes sting. Another reminder that Gianna was wrong; I had nothing.

I climbed out of the sports car, stepping up to the place I once called home.

Immediately, the porch light flickered on. I stumbled back, shielding my eyes from the bright glare. When I lowered my hand once more, I was greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar face. The blonde woman furrowed her brows at me, eyes dropping to my hands before they widened in alarm.

She slammed the door shut with a short shriek.

Gianna, hearing the commotion, came to stand on the other side of the car.

"Please! I have children!" came the desperate cry from inside.

"No! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I tried to explain, hands in the air. I glanced at them, seeing the crimson, before hiding them behind my back again. "I used to live here."

"The blood!" she cried.

"It's not blood," I lied, smoothly. "It's paint. I'm an art student."

Gia snorted behind me and I sent her a cool glare in response.

Clearly untrusting, the blonde remained inside. Her muffled voice shouted, "What do you want?"

"I just came by to see if the place had sold already," I replied. "I didn't realise you'd moved in already."

"Just yesterday. I didn't get around to taking the sign down."

There was a short pause. I turned back to the car, another apology waiting on my lips.

But the stranger spoke first: "You're Michael's daughter?"

I spun back around, to see a hesitant face staring back at me through the crack in the slightly ajar front door.

"That's me," I tried to say with enthusiasm. "You know me?"

"No, not a lot. Nor him. But when I came around to see the property, he'd mention you... I thought you were doing engineering in Europe."

Was that the lie Mom fed him? Although I couldn't even summon anger, only shame. I didn't even try to call Dad. For his own safety... but look how that turned out.

Stumbling for words, I told her, "Um, I transferred... too much maths..."

I kicked at the gravel beneath my boots, head spinning with the information that Dad mentioned me.

The woman now came to stand in her porch, arms crossed against her chest as the wind lashed about. "He came around last week to collect the last of your things. I think you should pay your old man a visit, young lady."

My head shot up. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Gianna's snap up as well.

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't mean to offend you, sweetie. I just— even a blind person can tell how much he misses you."

"He... misses me," I repeated, slowly.

"Of course, Michael wouldn't throw a damn hair tie of yours away! And don't you think Ryder needs his big sister around?" she stated, before disappearing inside.

A moment later, the blonde woman reappeared, carrying some envelopes in her hand. "When you visit the Big Apple, make sure to give him these. Some of his mail still ends up around here. Ask him how his new city job is going and tell him Kathy wishes him well."

I took the mail with trembling hands, although my mind was still trying to process it all. Dad was—

"Excuse me, ma'am. Hi, I'm Gianna. You think you can give us Mr Vale's number. We lost all our things in the airport," the brunette asked, sweetly.

Enchanted, Kathy grinned. "Of course, Gianna! Let me get my phone."

She hurried inside, leaving me with my thoughts.

I turned back to the car, letters crumpling in my fist, eyes brimming with hot tears. I was manipulated so easily. I didn't even think twice.

"Phee, they're safe," Gianna breathed, a smile on her lips.

I couldn't bring myself to look at her with the rage boiling in my veins. I was swamped with shame. Why wasn't I as relieved as her?

Kathy joined us once more, with her phone and read out the digits to Gianna. I didn't tell either of them that I had that number branded into my brain since fifth grade.

Gia bid her goodbye with a wide, dazzling grin. I nodded and tried to smile with at least half her enthusiasm. The blonde retreated into her new home, waving warmly.Before I climbed back into car, I fished in my inside pockets for a pill and swallowed it without thinking. My hands stopped shaking.

Oblivious, Gianna squealed, aggressively stabbing the digits into her phone. I waited patiently, hands fisted against the urge to rip the phone out of her hands. I didn't want to do his now—

"Hello?" was the cheerful answer.

Gianna gulped in a huge breath of air, ready to explode but I slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Sorry, one moment— Ryder, stop! Don't you dare—"

We heard a loud crash, a young boy's cackling—

I pressed 'end call'.

Gianna's wide, confused eyes snapped towards me.

"I'll call him later," I muttered, speeding towards Chicago O'Hare Airport.

She mumbled something under her breath, blowing out an exasperated sigh. I closed my eyes for a long moment, feeling as if I were flying for a moment. A loud horn forced my eyes open once more. I pulled the steering wheel straight, ignoring the brunette's gasp.

"What the fuck, Phee?" she screeched.

I exhaled a long breath, my fingers itching for the medicine in my jacket pocket.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

Gianna said nothing, staring at me for a long moment. "I don't know either, Phee. But we'll figure it out."

I play fight with my brother too much. I'm in serious pain but I can't complain because he has much worse.
xo, Rosavi

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