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~ phoenix ~

The flight attendant regarded me with wary eyes as I gestured once more for my glass to be refilled.

Opposite me, Helena snored, oblivious to the unsettling turbulence as the jet crossed into Russian territory. Or perhaps, that was just in my head. Clenching my thighs together, I sat straight and stared at the clouds outside.

Although this was a formal visit, it was also an unofficial visit. Until we were ten minutes away from the Bratva's compound, they would not be informed of our arrival. Babcia warned me of the rumours that would circulate if the Russians declined a public request for a meeting.

It has to be like this, she had insisted.

Tossing my head back, I gulped down another mouthful of the sparkling beverage. With each sip, the chaos let loose in my thoughts blurred and became nothing more than a nuisance at the back of my mind. I glanced down at my hands, which were no longer jittering.

"No," the nurse suddenly snapped, drawing my attention to her.

Awake and glaring, Helena reached forward to snatch the glass out of my hands.

"What did I say about alcohol?"

I stared blankly at the exasperated woman.

"It will interfere with your medication," she all but yelled. "For God's sake, Lyra, it hasn't even been twenty four hours since you woke up from coma."

"Induced coma," I corrected, with my own frosty expression.

After the pleasant, relieved well wishes I received from my grandmother, I demanded that the nurse fill me on every occurrence that had passed during my blackout. She informed me that following my collapse, Giovanni personally arranged my travel to the hospital. She didn't need to tell me what the other guests might've thought of that. The estate was evacuated, and the staff were escorted to the interrogation rooms. When I was cleared from the ICU, Babcia insisted I was to be bought home immediately, of course to prevent the circulation of any more rumours. I wasn't surprised to hear that Giovanni was not particularly welcomed back to the Stilinski house, which did irk me. From then on, it was Helena's job to ensure I return to full health.

When the nurse also mentioned she had me induced into a coma to prevent me from becoming brain dead, I was less than impressed. If I was cleared from the intensive care unit, I was sure that that precaution was unnecessary. The fact that that and God knows what else happened without my knowledge was terrifying.

I refocused my attention to the present, regretting my decision instantly when the nurse's condescending rant still sounded in my ears.

"Okay!" I relented, frustratedly, "no alcohol, I get it!"

"Good, now let me check your shoulder," Helena smiled, beckoning me to the seat beside her.

Stifling a huff of annoyance, I obeyed. Whilst my injury had become considerably better, I wasn't surprised that due to my unnecessary coma, it was healing at a far slower rate. Thankfully, the dressing now consisted only of a two inch plaster to prevent infection.

Satisfied, she leaned away and handed me a bottle of water and two pills.

I accepted them, although I felt pretty fine.

The nurse turned her attention to the window and sighed. "I remember having a perfectly normal job, in a perfectly legal hospital."

I rolled my eyes. "Law is subjective," I returned, as I rehearsed to myself in the mirror several times.

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