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Heroes. Its a concept many have thought about before. whether it be normal day heroes or heroes of legends. But in the end, a Hero is a title given to person who symbolises a beacon of hope for all. To protect those who can't protect themselves. anyone can become a hero like that... all it takes is you.


"OH! The horror!" a civilian cried out as a reptile like Monster of ginormous proportions stomp its way into the populated city as the civilians screamed for their lives as the monster just destroys everything in its path. "Someone please save us!" another civilian cried as everyone was desperate for help as impending doom loomed over them as a ginormous reptilian creature let out a raging roar. "Wait, Whats that up above!?" a civilian pointed out as a human like figure was seen up in the sky. Above the monster. Then from the figure, a booming voice spoke.

"never fear citizens! For I! your hero has arrived!!" the voice said as people began cheering for the person who was levitating in the air above them.

"Its Mr. M!""he came to save us!""save us Mr. M!" the civilians yell as the urge Mr. M to save them from their impending demise in the hands of a reptilian creature. The monster roars at the figure above it as Mr. M was unfazed by its intimidation tactic.

"my, my! What stinky breath you have. Would you perhaps require a bit of a... refreshing mint!?" Mr. M quips before blowing in the direction of the monster as a flurry of freezing air blast the Monster's head. encasing it in solid ice. The crowd of civilians cheer as the first of many blows were thrown at the monster. It was now the monster's turn as it smashes its head onto a nearby building. Causing the ice to break off from its head while also sending a volley of debris over to the crowd of civilians. Threatening to crush them. The people scream in terror as the threat hastily approached them. But before anything bad could happen. Mr. M swoops in at the nick of time and used his telekinesis to stop the debris from falling.

"thank you Mr. M!" they all cheered for the man as Mr. M looks back at the crowd before sending them a wink which causes a chain of women to faint from it. Mr. M looks back forward to the sound of stomping to see the monster about to attack as it approaches them.

"well. Now that you got a taste of my ice powers. How about I give you a taste of the good 'ol Return to sender!" Mr. M says as he sends the debris flying at the monster as several dust clouds erupt from the impact. The dust cloud from the debris clouded their sights on the monster as they assume that Mr. M had dealt the finishing blow. As their hopes grew high, it immediately went back down as a fist appeared from the smoke as it was sent flying towards Mr. M.

"oh, what's this? A fist bump? Well, if you insist..." Mr. M says before throwing a fist of his own with sheer ferocity behind it as it impacts the bigger reptilian fist. Stopping it in place. Due to the force of impact and the sudden stop of inertia. The monsters bones vibrate from the impact as it was left stunned which then Mr. M used as an opportunity to finish things off as he flew around the monsters fist as he was headed towards its face.

"really unfortunate for you monster buddy. But I think its time for you to go to sleep!" Mr. M says as his last statement before punching the monster right across it's face as it was sent back by the fist before landing on its back with a thunderous thud which kicked up a ton of dust. The civilians then look on as the dust slowly disperse to reveal a defeated monster and a triumphant smirk of their hero as the man slowly floats down from the air and onto the solid ground. A moment of silence was shared as they all marveled at their apparent rescue from the superhero.

"i guess you could say... it was lights out for him." Mr. M quipped before a raging applause and cheers were given by the grateful civilians whom he saved. "aha ha! Thank you! But that wasn't really a good quip if I were to be honest." Mr. M admits as he thought that his quip was a bit lackluster and cheesy. But even with that the civilians didn't really seemed to care as they all just kept celebrating as they cheered his name. Seeing as they didn't really care all that much about that. He decides to just give them a hearty laugh just for the heck of it.

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