At the big dance becuz every high school story has a big dance
Bogus wosgyagw gogy: omg have you heard of the big big dance?!?!??!?!???
Snapmap: who are you talking to?!?!?
Bogus woggy: whoever is listening.
Sampam: okey
Drep🦃🦃🦃🦃: hey ur going with me to the big dance.
Goggy bogy: the big dance?
Cuack master: the big dance?
Kral: the big dance?
Pandas: the big dance?
Sleepy boi dreamy weammy: Tf yes? Did you guys not know about it?
Carlisle🍥: dramatic effect
Dream 😴: shutup Karl.
Sappy nap sappy nappy sappy nap: anyways, who is going with me?
Kelp🥬: omg I am
Sap nap: sheeeeeeesh no cap aight Carl.
Duck man: wait then who is going with meeee?!??
Spanep: idk cuz apparently we are the only 5 people in this entire school.
Karl: no cuz apparently ther is a new kid
George: I swear to god, if this new kid tries to take my spotlight i will explode them.
Drmeam: shutup cuz here they come