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The Torino Palavela is packed to capacity with spectators and various representatives from news channels and media sources around the world. Sunghoon can hear the buzzing of crowds as he laces up his skates in one of the areas designated for his own pre-competition preparation.

There are two senior groups skating their short program today; the pairs finals have just ended a while ago. The scheduled break for ice resurfacing is in progress, giving him ten minutes before his division will compete.

Coach Bang isn't stupid. He knows his own students well, and he knows Sunghoon doesn't need mindless encouragement before he skates. He gives last minute reminders, minor details like "push your shoulders back" and "remember to straighten your knees" as he accompanies Sunghoon to the rink, and ends off with a simple pat on the back.

"I'll be proud of you no matter what," he grins his signature grin, eyes narrowing into their own smiles as he sends Sunghoon off. "Do your best."

No matter what? Does he think I'm about to lose again?

Not a chance.

Sunghoon channels his passing displeasure to fuel his own motivation as the music begins to play.

He doesn't, as expected, prove himself wrong. He pushes harder than he's ever had before, changing up his free skate choreography mid-competition to swap a double loop for another quadruple, making him the youngest competitor in the game to complete five quadruples his routine for this season.

The extra quadruple is enough to put him solidly in the lead. He finishes with an overall score of 303.67, placing him first in his category, making history as the first skater to receive gold in his first year qualifying for the seniors age division.

Sunoo gives him a good-natured congratulatory wave as the march-in music plays for them to take their places at the podium, and all that Sunghoon can bear to do in the moment is smile.

He didn't lie about his favorite color. He bows down to accept the medal, and everything around him recedes as the fluorescents send dazzling sparkles off the edges of gold.

Top of the world, I've missed you.

Sunghoon, Jungwon and Coach Bang have a flight scheduled to take them home a day after the Finals ends.

Sunoo and Jay and the rest of the skaters from the States leave Turin on the same day as Sunghoon, and Sunoo makes sure to bid Sunghoon an exuberant goodbye before they depart, and to tell him he is returning to the United States to resume training with the rest of his team.

Sunghoon finds a certain sense of loneliness reserved for Kim Sunoo alone that manifests when he thinks about the fact that he doesn't actually know how long it'll be before they meet again, but he shakes his head to clear it and lets the thought pass.

"Goodbye then, Sunoo. Have a safe trip home."

"You too!" Sunoo waves fervently as Jay helps him drag his luggage out to the limousine taking them to the airport. "Maybe by the time I see you again, you'll have learned to become less formal when talking to people younger than you~"

Sunghoon laughs. "Oh? And when do you think you'll see me again?"

Sunoo doesn't hesitate with his answer. "The Winter Olympics, the year after. See you then, Sunghoon."

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