Can You Order That? (Part 2)

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It was a difficult thing Lauren thought, to find something to wear on a date with Camila Cabello, especially something formal. Camila had called her the day before as agreed and the conversation was short. It had gone like this:



"Lauren hi it's Camila."


"Hey." Lauren didn't say much because she was horrible talking to people in person and she was worse talking to them on the phone.


"About tomorrow, is it okay if I pick you up? I don't like when people meet up, it makes it seem like its just two old friends hanging out and obviously it isn't. So can I pick you up?"


Lauren agreed with Camila’s statement about meeting up and it made her feel special that Camila Cabello wanted to pick her up. "That's fine."


"Okay than text me your address and wear something formal."


"...okay." Lauren didn't like to dress up.


"Okay I'll see you tomorrow at 8."




"Oh and Lauren?"




"Your voice over the phone, its perfection."


Lauren didn't know what to say, she wasn't good at receiving compliments. "Camila," her name came out in Spanish again, "you are going to flip my world upside down, aren't you?"


"No, you are going to flip mine. See you at 8." Camila said before hanging up the phone.


As Lauren finally chose a black dress that was tight in all the right placesshe heard her doorbell ring. Camila was ten minutes early, which meant Lauren, would have to let her in as she put the finishing touches on her outfit. “Hi,” Lauren said after she opened the door for Camila.

“Wow.” Camila said as she roamed her eyes up in down Lauren’s body. “You look amazing.”

“Thanks, look great to.” As bad as Lauren was at receiving a compliment she was just as bad at giving them. “I’m not ready yet so do you mind coming in for a few minutes?”

“No not at all.” Camila said as she stepped into Lauren’s apartment.

As Lauren went back to her room to finish getting herself ready Camila took the opportunity to get to know Lauren better. Her apartment was full of family pictures and artwork. There was one picture in particular with Lauren and what seemed to be her parents, brother and sister. She has a very beautiful family Camila thought. There were paintings everywhere, from classic ones like Van Gogh to more modern ones that Camila didn’t recognize.

Can You Order That? (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now