Ace's Awakening

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I woke up the next morning seeing fire Snape was putting out I looked over at Aces hands I felt em her powers were coming in I woke her up saying baby what happened what made you think of fire she looked over seeing Snape put out the fire he said to me I thought you started it I said no of course not remember I got more control it's Ace her hands are hot then Ace's eyes went black I said baby chill ok I know the hormones are kicking but calm down I said to her look at me Ace look at me now calm down she said what's happening to me I said you are awakening my babe she said what I'm getting my powers I smiled saying yes now we will teach you how to use em just calm down my love she said baby what are we gonna do now there's two powerful beings I looked at her saying your just not used to having powers like me you were not born with em like me so you didn't know when they were gonna come she said to me what am I going to tell my parents I held her close and said I'll tell them ok baby you just calm down I told Ace about her powers and how to keep em safe but I realized today was the day I was supposed to battle Alex I was scared it had to be postponed again I looked at Ace you sure you can control your powers she said I'll be right there during the battle yes of course my love I held Aces hand with my wand in hand when I went to the court with Alex there saying so monster think you can steal Ace from me I said no she is just my girlfriend chill I just don't like you that's all she said then why did your eyes go black when you saw me I looked at her terrified screaming ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS YOUR NOT MY GIRLFRIEND SO WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU ANYTHING!!! Everyone was shocked even my girlfriend she was like woah I guess demons do get heated I put out my wand when Alex asked me where did you get that looking at my wand I said at the wand shop it was the only one that worked she said that's HIS WAND well looks like it I said I know but let's just get this battle done and over with My girlfriend cheered me on as the music started

Ace and the other slytherins kept screaming WE ARE THE CALL,WE ARE THE CALL,WE ARE THE CALL,WE ARE THE CALL TO THE WILD!!! I Smiled saying baby did you hype  them up she giggled saying guilty as charged I started battling Alex with my wand in hand as Alex tried to win but I won I looked at Ace Smiling well all of the slytherins cheered I look at Alex saying you never mess with a couple this strong you should know that better she was shocked at how strong I was and I'll get you Malfoy I will I laughed and said try  you can't fight love

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