Chapter 17: Simon

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Jacy gently woke Skaii after she'd nodded off on his shoulder.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead," He said softly, Skaii stirred, blinking rapidly.

"S-sorry" she said, slightly embarrassed, blushing slightly with embarrassment.

"It's okay, I don't mind, you did a lot today" Jacy said, "It's time to go now though" Skaii got up and stretched, ready for her first pact of the night. Jacy called everyone together to start the night. Alyssa and the Twins headed out quickly. Misty and Jacy were staying behind again in case of trouble. Melody came over to Skaii before she left,

"Good luck tonight," she said and smiled, Skaii returned the smile.

"You too," she said. Melody headed off to the crest and teleported to her first summon. Skaii followed behind and teleported to hers. The summon brought her to the middle of a garden surrounded by a circle of five people, two girls and three boys. The first girl was small, with dark hair and glasses. The second was an athletic girl with ginger hair. Two of the boys had brown hair and glasses, one of them being slightly taller than the other and the last boy was the shortest of the group but also looked fairly well built. They all seemed surprised at Skaii's appearance. At her feet was the flyer in the centre of an unnecessarily drawn chalk pentagram with a candle at each of the points of the star. Skaii looked around to survey her surroundings. The house the garden belonged to was a short way away. She heard music playing and flashing lights blinking, there was also the faint smell of alcohol in the air despite most of the people around being clearly under 18. It was obvious that this was a party and that the summoning was just an alcohol fueled joke that none of them expected to actually work. There were murmurs between the group as to what to do now and questioning whether Skaii was dangerous. Skaii put on a smile so that she seemed less threatening, despite her skeletal wings twitching behind her.

"How can I help?" She asked politely.

"I guess we drank more than we thought," the dark haired girl said.

"Naw, it's just someone's nicked the laser lights and is trying to punk us," the shorter of the brown haired boys said. Skaii spread her wings so that they were more visible in the dark and used her magic to make his trousers fall down.

"Still just a joke?" She asked, clearly unimpressed.

"What the?" The boy asked in shock and confusion, and frantically fumbled to pull his trousers back up.

"I don't think it's a prank..." The athletic girl said,

"You mean you think she's a real Devil?" The other girl asked in disbelief.

"Can't be, Devils have red skin... and horns" The taller brown haired boy said. Skaii rolled her eyes, her patience already wearing thin with the group.

"Don't stereotype," she said irritably. "If we looked like that, we'd be too easy to find" She fluttered her wings so that she was hovering off the ground.

"C'mon... real or not, she's obviously not dangerous," the athletic girl said. "If she's a real Devil then she could've killed us all straight away"

"Well... what do we do then?" The dark haired girl asked,

"Don't Devils make deals?" The short boy asked

"That's demons" The taller brown haired boy said.

"Devils make pacts, we help you in exchange for something we feel our service is worthy of," Skaii explained and waited while they discussed things for a while longer before finally deciding to try it. After a little while, three of them had made and completed a total of five pacts. The dark haired girl decided to try her first.

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