The Bet

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"Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick." Ree repeated over and over. Finally the mentioned boy looked up from his homework. After the Injustice League's attack, he had fallen a little behind in schoolwork.

"What do you want, Ree?" He asked tiredly. Despite being pretty smart, a project that requires a visual aid is still a lot of manual labor for a thirteen year old.

"Could you take a break? Just for a little bit?" Ree pleaded as she hung upside down off his bed. She was getting increasingly bored and he had lost a bet. He sighed and looked over his shoulder at the miserable girl.

"What would you want to do?" He asked. She smiled and righted herself.

"Well... you do owe me a milkshake." She suggested. Dick looked back and forth between Ree and his project.

"Fine." He muttered. She squealed and bounced off the bed. After grabbing her sneakers, Ree met Dick down at the front door of Wayne Manor. They had to sneak around to avoid being caught by Bruce. Alfred already knew they were going out. No matter what you tried to hide from him, he always found out.

"You ready?" Dick asked. Ree nodded and they headed out.


They walked down the drizzly streets of Gotham. A heavy mist had rolled in since the rainy morning. Ree sighed in content and looked up at the gray sky. She smiled. Ree actually enjoyed days like this. It was an unexplainable joy she felt at the rain and the fog, but a joy nonetheless.

"Where are we going, Dick?" She asked her best friend. He just smiled and picked up his pace.

"You'll see." He replied vaguely. She huffed and had to jog to catch up to him.


After walking for another half an hour, they came across a brightly lit 80's diner. It looked warm and comfortable. And dry. Dry was good. Dick, being the gentleman he was, held the door for Ree, then walked in after. She smiled sweetly at his gesture. They were led to a table next to a window by a woman in her early 40's with frizzy red hair and a motherly smile.

They each ordered a chocolate milkshake and talked while they waited for their orders to arrive.

"I did not blow up the rose bush! I distinctly remember you holding a lighter to the sap, then it blowing up in your face!" Ree laughed. Dick shrugged.

"Oops." He said. She laughed again. They discussed almost every topic under the sun during their time at the diner. By the time they had finished their milkshakes, reassured the waitresses that they weren't a couple, and paid for their drinks, it had started raining heavily. Dick laughed as Ree made a face at the sky.

"Here." Dick said as he took off his raincoat and held it over her head.

"Dick, you're gonna get a cold. There's room for the both of us." Dick shrugged and held the coat over both of them. Ree shook her head in mock disappointment. "Your chivalry will be the end of you, Richard Grayson." She laughed. Dick's eyes danced merrily as he laughed with her.

"Well, it'll be an honorable end." He replied. They walked home in comfortable silence.

After sneaking into the Manor via Dick's window, checking to make sure Bruce wasn't in the Bat Cave, and making sure Ree said farewell to Alfred, they finally said goodbye and parted ways at the Zeta Tubes. Dick sighed in contentment as the computer announced Ree's departure.

"Who was that?"

Dick jumped as the comm in his ear talked to him.

"What?" He asked his mentor.

"Don't play dumb, I heard the latter part of the Zeta Tube when I contacted you. Who was it?" Batman asked again.

"Fine. It was Wally." Dick lied. Bruce seemed to think it over for a second before nodding. Realizing that Dick couldn't see him, he replied regularly.

"Okay. Just tell me when he comes over next time, will you."

"Don't worry, Bruce. I will." Dick said. Bruce smiled and shook his head. That boy always had the redhead over. It never ended well. Batman sighed as he punched the last of Two Face's thugs and began to tie them up.

"Those two better not have broken anything." The Dark Knight muttered as he grappled into the darkness.

(A/N) So this was after Valor won the bet with Dick about Megan and Connor. Aren't they so cute!

Remember to request scenes and comment! Once I finish Whispers of Angels, you guys can request scenes from that too, so look forward to that!

Stay safe, babes!


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