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"Dance is Friday and Avalon still doesn't have a dress", Avery states, we are walking with Mackenzie, Nabila, and Bailey.

"I'm not going", Mackenzie retorts, "I got no reason to or see Bryce making out with Nina."

"She's going too?" I frown.

She nods, "they're hanging out with each other a lot, aren't they?"

"Since there is no practice, we'll go shopping afterward", Avery suggests.

"Aren't you grounded?"Bailey frowns.

"Dad thinks we have practiced so we have about two hours to kill and he wouldn't know the difference", she shrugs.

Bailey has been avoiding Luciano lately, he and Elle have been arguing after what we told her at the dinner last Friday, he said he wouldn't break up with her just yet and really needed a date for the dance. 

Donovan is yet to ask Bailey to the dance, she is still unaware of it, he plans to ask her at lunchtime so she has an excuse to buy a dress.

"Since I'm not going to the dance, I'll come over to your house", Mackenzie tells Avery.

She nods.

We go our separate ways to our classes, I had physics with Bryce. He has told us about his adopted sister and how they were starting to get along now, he didn't like her at first.

I enter the class, we had our first mid-term test today that is 10% of the mid-term grade which I already studied for, final exams are over a month away.

"Hey. are you ready?", Bryce asks me as I take my seat, our mid-term test is an experiment and we write down what we did and the results of it then turn in the paper by the end of the period.

Bryce is my partner of course.

"Yes, are you?" I look at him.

"Easy as pie."

The teacher comes in, "alright guys all bags to the front by the walls, the only things that should be on your table are writing utensils and paper."

I already had my bag by the wall along with my phone.

"Hand up all phones too", she takes out a box for the phones then places each paper along with the paper to write the report on each table, we all will be doing different experiments which we already did in class before.

"You got until the end of the period, begin", she says. 

I look at the paper and smile, it's an easy one and thankfully I memorize it.

Bryce takes out the equipment we'll need as I write down the steps on a spare blank paper.

"Are you going to the dance?" He whispers as we set up for the experiment.

"Yes, are you?"

"Yes, Nina is accompanying me", he nods.

"I see."

"You're going with Jesse?"

I nod, speaking about Jess, we didn't have much luck finding his mysterious kisser so far.


Donovan enters the cafeteria with Felix and Jesse behind him holding something like a banner that's folded.

Avery grins.

"Bailey", Donovan calls getting everyone's attention, I see Luciano frowns.

She turns around, "yes?"

The Tomboy And The Captain (#wattys2021)Where stories live. Discover now