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Avalon's POV:

Two weeks later

Mom is officially leaving the day after tomorrow for America, she already has some of her stuff moved to her new apartment somewhere in New York City since she'll be working in JFK airport. It's just her suitcases to pack now, dad has been helping her and Avery is still very upset, dad is talking mom to dinner tonight since her flight is early Sunday morning.

"I can't believe she's still going through with this", Avery sighs, we are hanging out by the pool.

"It's her life Avery, we have no say", I shrug.

"I thought she would reconsider, isn't dad's birthday soon anyways?"

"She promised to call."

"That's if she's not in the air", she scoffs.

"We should do something with her tomorrow before she goes."

"Like what?"

I shrug, "lunch just us three?"

She nods.

"Girls you'll be late for school", mom calls, dad already left for work.

We leave my room and go downstairs, Avery ignores mom and goes through the front door.

"I'll see you later at the game", mom hugs me, "I'll miss you guys so much."

"We'll miss you too", I hug her back.

"How're things with Jesse?"

I blush.

"You like him, don't you?"

"He is in love with someone else", I sigh.

"Are you sure?"

I nod, "he's in love with a mysterious girl who kissed him at a party."

"I see, weren't you with him for the entire party?"

I shrug, "I was drunk, Donovan brought me home."

"I see, well don't give up just yet, he will get tired eventually and give up finding her", she assures me.

I just nod.

I hear a car horn outside, "that's me."

I walk through the open door and get into Jesse's vehicle, "morning, are you ready for the game later?" He greets and I nod.

"Our second away game", I state.

"Yeah, hopefully, we win this time", he nods.

We lost our last game on Tuesday, it was our first game at another school.

"Are you giving up now?" I ask him.

He sighs, "it's complicated, part of me wants to and the other part wants me to hang on a little longer."

"Follow your heart."

He nods and begins to drive.

February is ending today, tomorrow we start March and autumn is soon approaching so the temperature is starting to drop.

When we arrive at school I had to rush to my locker and get to class, Bryce and I did good on our physics experiments, we got an A.


During lunchtime, everyone is talking about the game, since Bryce became captain we improved a lot and only lost one game so far. 

Luciano and Bailey were dating, but haven't made it official yet.

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