Part 4 - The devils cabana boy.

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Note: Hello. So, I haven't made Milhouse and Lisa click as well as y/n and Bart yet, because I want to tell her story first. Lisa is possibly bisexual, and possibly polygamous, according to an episode of the Simpsons from the future. And with this intended I decided to use it to shape Lisa as a character. She's confused about her sexuality and feelings for Milhouse, but deep down he's the one she'll Mary, which is also hinted in the show. So, without further ado, let's get to part 4!

 So, without further ado, let's get to part 4!

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"Don't worry." Lisa smirked. "He'll be back."

You smile softly, shaking your head. "Great. He probably thinks I'm a creep."

"He totally doesn't. Didn't you hear? He called you pretty!" Lisa smiles big.

"Does he really think that?" You ask, blushing.

"Bart doesn't just call girls pretty for no reason." Lisa assured.

'Lisa's really pissin' me off," I think to myself, flopping down onto my bed. So what if I find y/n attractive? Everybody probably finds her attractive. I bet I'm not the only guy who's got their eyes on her.

I stop to think for a moment. Wait. I really like this girl don't I? I haven't felt this way about a girl since I was a kid.

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes tightly.
She's sweet. She looks really warm. Her hair smells like red fruit loops.
I crack a love sick smile, knowing damn well I want her. I suck at this love crap. All the same, I know I'd do anything for her.

I hear her and Lisa laughing and talking.
Well, Bartman. You have until morning to woo this chick, if she's staying the night. There's gotta be something up your sleeve.

Back in Lisa's room,
you and her were snacking on plant based, healthy snacks, and gossiping as you slid into your sleeping bags.

"Have you spoken to Milhouse since?" You ask, taking a sip of fruit juice from a purple curly straw.

Lisa shook her head. "No. I'll talk to him tomorrow, most likely."

"He really likes you, Lisa." You explain, wanting her to see how much Milhouse genuinely cares about her.

Lisa smiled a little, nodding. "I like him too, I really do. But.."

"But what?" You ask.

Lisa sighs, looking out the window. "I'm still figuring out my sexuality..."

You could tell that was a load off Lisa's chest, and it probably wasn't easy to admit.

"That's understandable."

"Is it?" Lisa asks, a terrified look on her face.

"Of course. You like who you like." You reassure her, smiling.

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