imagine #8

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The hallways smelled of body butter and desperation. So basicly, school. I walked down to my locker, which with my luck was at the end of the hallway, all my classes being in the very front. So I have to decide which is worse, being late to class, or the "walk of shame". Shame being ashamed of the people. obvious fakes and obvious jocks.It's Like a crossover of Sephora and a football game up in this bitch. Aside from who else but me. My red plaid shirt, ripped jeans, and black hair did more than make me stand out from all the platinum blond and pink "blouses".

Finally, I make it to my last class, with the bell just ending. But of course, teachers are just to strict.

"Late again, I see" Mr. A says in a calm voice

"I wouldn't assume that you expected different."

"Okay class, today we will be...."

as I did my best to block out his annoying voice, I took a seat next to Austin. His Black and blue hair does a slight flip as he nods twards me. So do his piercings. This, I find slightly funny. I also find his outfit a bit... interesting. I'm not one for vans , although he's added quite a sick " Bring Me The horizon" Sweatshirt.

I get a note from him, as usual. This one says "oh joy. Mr.A's class"

I reply with "obviously" and we continue to talk like this.

as I think our conversation is about to end, he passes me another note. "fuck, marry, kill?" Ah, an offer I could never refuse.

"Justin, me, Cody". Wow. a tough one. I think for a moment, and reply " Fuck you, Marry Justin, Kill Cody"

He looks over at me with wide eyes. I chuckle, and mouth "what?"

I get another note. "Is that your final answer with that first one?"

That really gets me. Because he definitely tries to be the "bad boy" in front of me, even though its obvious that he's a bit of a "goody goody"

"Yes. my final answer", I say just as the bell rings.

as usual, me and Austin stay behind for detention, all though the teacher "has better things to do then waste his time with these hooligins" This always gets a laugh out of me.

Detention is a bit more boing, but at the same time, interesting. Interesting to see the faces Austin makes, as he's in somewhat shock. He spends detention in his mind, figuring out what to make out of the situation. I watch his face, as I can tell what he's thinking, if you catch my drift.

Soon enough, though, Its time to go home. I get up and leave the class, while Austin thinks for a moment longer. He jumps up from his char, and runs down the hall after me. What he does takes me completely by surprise.

In a rush of confusion, I find my self up against the lockers. Pinned by Mahone himself. I can feel his breath, hell, his lips on my ear.

"You might just regret that, baby girl."

Although I'm almost breathless, I manage to perfectly say "You couldn't make me regret it if you tried".

He lets me go and grabs his stuff, about to make his way to his car. "Only one way to find out"

austin mahone imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now