chapter 1

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- out for drinks

"why did you two have to drag me along? you even convinced kageyama to come too." tsukishima groans in slight annoyance.

"we heard this really cool band was gonna play at the bar nearby!" bokuto says full of excitement. "i also heard that their music is great, so we'll have a good night tonight." kuroo says with a slight smile on his face.

"i'm just hoping this place has good drinks, i could care less about the music." kageyama groaned, tsukishima nodded in agreement with kageyama.

"you two are hopeless," tsukishima mutters, adjusting his glasses as they make their way to the bar. the bar is dimly lit and already packed with people. the stage is set up at the far end, instruments ready and waiting. the four of them find a table near the back, kuroo and bokuto chatting excitedly while tsukishima and kageyama sit in silence, nursing their drinks.

"so, when does this band start playing?" tsukishima asks, trying to mask his curiosity.

"any minute now," kuroo replies, glancing at the if on cue, the lights dim further, and a spotlight illuminates the stage. four figures step into the light, each holding an instrument. the crowd erupts into cheers and applause.

tsukishima watches with mild interest until his eyes land on the bassist. he's tall, with dark green hair and an easy smile. he's wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans, but something about him captivates tsukishima.

as the band starts playing, the bassist's fingers move effortlessly over the strings, creating a deep, rhythmic sound that pulses through the room.tsukishima finds himself leaning forward, unable to take his eyes off the bassist.

he feels a strange flutter in his chest, something he hasn't felt before. he can't explain it, but he's drawn to this guy in a way that makes his heart race.

"you okay, tsukki?" bokuto asks, nudging him with his elbow.

"yeah, just... the music is better than i expected," tsukishima replies, not taking his eyes off the the band continues to play, tsukishima loses himself in the music and the sight of the bassist. he doesn't even notice the time passing until the set is over and the band takes their bows. the crowd erupts into applause again, and tsukishima joins in, his heart pounding in his chest.

"let's go meet them," kuroo suggests, standing up and heading towards the stage.

"what? no way," tsukishima protests, but bokuto and kageyama are already following kuroo. with a sigh, tsukishima gets up and trails behind them, his eyes still fixed on the bassist.

as they approach the band, kuroo starts chatting with the drummer, introducing himself and the others. tsukishima hangs back, feeling awkward and out of place. but then the bassist looks up and their eyes meet.

"hey, i'm yamaguchi," the bassist says, extending his hand with a warm smile."tsukishima," he replies, shaking his hand. his heart skips a beat at the touch."you enjoy the show?" yamaguchi asks, still smiling.

"yeah, it was... really good," tsukishima says, feeling his face heat up. "glad to hear it," yamaguchi says, his smile widening. "maybe i'll see you at another show?"

"maybe," tsukishima replies, unable to stop himself from smiling they leave the bar, tsukishima can't stop thinking about yamaguchi and the strange, wonderful feeling that's taken root in his chest.

he doesn't know what the future holds, but he's excited to find out.

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