Lullaby For A God

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Author's Note: Hello!! This is my first Fic Flip (For ao3 but I'm reposting it here) and I'm very happy to be here! First, my prompt was Tommy Hurt/Comfort and I tried to stay as true to that as I could while telling a very fun au and story. Second, thank you, everyone, on Discord for being so very supportive of my writing. I don't know if I could ever have written all of this in this time frame if it weren't for everyone. For anyone wondering the poem used in the fic is from the book Nocturnal by Wilder.

Content Warnings (I will add more to this list if asked): Kidnapping, attempted murder of a child, nightmares, alcohol, smoking


Act I

We turn to the sky waiting for answers

Never knowing that looking up

Was all we'd ever need.


When gods are born it's loud.

For when gods are born it's a sympathy of sounds and colors that light up the world. The stars sing of the new creation, a song to be sung with every other living thing. The world knows and sings of the new blessing.

When the god Wisdom was born, it was loud. The skies were lit up with sparks of reds, and golds, and blacks in the shape of wild boars. The planet shook with the sheer power that was brought to the world. Trees shook and fell, some, the ones closer caught fire that burned. The seas rose and fell with excitement, a million red flowers all came into bloom over the world. When WIsdom was born there were very few gods but all watched in awe as the new god came into being. Blessed by the universe herself.

When Passion was born it was like the world heard a sympathy of music for the first time. The stars created their own spotlight on the new god. The leaves on the trees all over the world changed their colors from green to shades of yellow, red, and oranges. The birds sang their sweetest song in rejoice, and the winds carried it across the world. The new humans looked on in wonder, and the gods looked on with joy, for the universe blessed them with another.

For when gods are born it's never quiet.

And yet, when Youth was born it was.

Youth was told of his birth from Wisdom. He told him that the day he was born was warm and beautiful as if the planet knew, he was born at twilight when the light of the day was slowly fading into different shades of purples, reds, and yellows. He remembered because he was walking across the rolling hills of the countryside. Wildflowers growing everywhere, a soft breeze making the whole place seem soft and safe.

He said he'd watched as what looked to be a shooting star fell and flew past him leaving behind little sparks of light. He watched as it landed a bit away, sparks flying away. He waited, the only sound for a moment was the wind, then he heard it, the soft crying of a baby. He quickly ran over towards where he lay. Wisdom said he looked in the grass and wildflowers and saw the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen. They were a light blue, he said that they remind him of a clear summer sky. He said the next thing he noticed was the infant had blond hair, little than the color of a dandelion.

He looked at the baby in awe, before being brought back as the child cried. He took off his cape and quickly wrapped the infant in it. He let out a few hushed words that instantly calmed the baby, holding the child close. He had stayed sitting there in the grass and flowers long into the night, just him and the sleeping infant in his arms as he hummed to him. A song that Wisdom had heard Passion sing to a group of mortal children a few hundred years before.

For Youth might have not come into the world like the other gods, only Wisdom got to watch it, and Wisdom might have been a bit selfish for finding joy in only him knowing. For that day, Wisdom was given a son, and he was Youth.

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