Reflections of Family in Borea's Mirror

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Tommy had woken up to the sight of snow falling out of his window. He couldn't help but jump up and run to his window overlooking the city. His room was massive and had a large window and a chandelier as a light. His walls were painted a soft shade of red and had little painted gold flowers. There were toys and stuffed animals that lined his bed and were on shelves. The shelves also were filled with books; anything Techno thought he'd like. He was wearing a pair of silk pajamas. Tommy was never one for such luxuries, but Techno had insisted. It made sense that he would want only the best for him.

He looked out and watched as snow drifted down onto the city below. Tommy was reeling still, just a few months ago he had moved in with Techno, Phil, and Wilbur after being on his own for so many years. He moved away from the window and ran towards Techno and Phil's room. He opened the door quietly. It was dark, seeing as the curtains were drawn, and a shape could be seen on the huge bed, which was big enough to let all four of them sleep comfortably in it.

Phil and Wilbur were gone, off seeing Phil's wife, the Goddess of Life and Death herself. Tommy had asked once about her and Phil's relationship, and Wilbur only made a face saying that the two were 'grossly in love'. He had later asked Techno how he was also married to Phil and Techno calmly said, 'It's for tax reasons, we aren't god's married like how Kristin and Phil are'. Whatever that means. He didn't understand the affairs of the older gods which Techno has said is a good thing since it's boring Adult Stuff.

Tommy had crept into the room and stood next to the bed for a moment. He could hear the distant sound of soft snoring. "Techno," he said, shaking the form of the sleeping man. Techno continued snoring. Tommy frowned before trying again, making sure to shake him a bit harder. "Techno!"

There was a moment where the sleeping figure stopped snoring before resuming. Tommy let out a long groan before going back to shake the man even harder. "Techno wake up, it's-eep!" he yelled before an arm grabbed him and pulled him into the nest of blankets.

"Techno, let me go!" Tommy said, trying to wiggle his way out of the man's arms. The man only pulled him closer to him. It was warm under all of the blankets and next to the mountain of a man that was Techno. Tommy let out a huff. "Wisdom," he said, crossing his arms looking at the man.

Techno cracked an eye open to look at him. "Theseus, go back to bed. It's far too early."

Tommy frowned. "But there is snow!"

The other only hummed. "The snow will be there when we wake up, now go back to sleep, little one."

Tommy let out another huff before finding himself falling back asleep in Techno's arms. Maybe it was the heat or the feeling of being completely safe in his father's arms, but he was soon fast asleep.

When Tommy woke up, it took him a few seconds to remember what had happened. He let out a huff and looked around the room. Light flooded into it, and Techno was no longer there. He got up out of bed and left the bedroom. As he walked towards the kitchen the smell of something wonderful hit his nose. He could see Techno cooking something as he entered. The older man was humming a tone that Tommy wasn't familiar with, but it sounded lovely. Maybe it was one of Wilbur's songs.

"Techno," Tommy called.

The man turned and gave Tommy a soft smile. "It's good to see you awake." Tommy huffed before walking over to see what he was making.

"I was awake! You're the one that wanted to go back to bed!" He yelled while pouting. Techno only chuckled at the sight. "It was seven in the morning, plus why would I have to be in a hurry?"

"Because! It's snowing!" He said he knew he was shouting.

"It is still snowing Theseus." He said calmly before going back to cooking. Tommy finally got the chance to look and see what the man was cooking in the pan. It looked like hash browns. He glanced towards the windows and Techno was right, it was still snowing. He ran over and looked out of the large window overlooking the city. Large snowflakes fell gracefully down and towards the ground. He couldn't help but smile and bounce with happiness.

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