The Winds of Zephyrus Bring April Showers

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Rain pattered onto the car window as they drove further into the woods. He was sitting in the backseat with Wilbur next to him talking away to Techno and Phil who were in the front seat about something music-related. He turned back towards the window. It was now April and the weather outside was no longer cold and snowy instead it was now rainy and humid. He loved the city and all of its bright lights and sounds. There was never a boring minute in the city, just last week Ranboo, Tubbo, Drista, and himself all went out and went to the city zoo. Drista had threatened to let out some of the animals, Tubbo cheered her on while Ranboo tried to keep them from doing it. He had a fun time, then the four of them went back to his house and just hung out in his room. It was everything to him.

Of course, Drista had left the city off to go cause chaos somewhere. She was never one to stay in one place for very long, she'd stay for a few days at most then vanish for a couple of months to years before reappearing with a story or two of her adventure. Tubbo was like her in that way, he hated staying in one place for a long time and would much rather move around. Though unlike her Tubbo didn't mind staying in one place for a couple of months to a couple of years. Ranboo on the other hand was just happy to go along, he normally would go off with Tubbo and himself. Unlike his friends, Tommy wasn't much of a mover. He'd rather stay with his family and friends, though because of the last thousand or so years he had been on the move. Now, he wasn't.

Well he was today but that didn't count, he was just going to Techno and Phil's summer home. The last time he had been here was during the winter when it had just been Techno and him. Techno had brought him out to go ice shaking and to truly enjoy the snowy weather. It had been a fun few days out there, just the two of them. Don't get him wrong he loves Phil and Wilbur but Techno is his dad and he enjoys spending one on one time with him when he can. He hadn't seen his dad in a few thousand years okay let him enjoy spending time with him.

He turned to look back at the other three adults in the car still chatting with each other. The radio was on but it was low and because of that he could just barely make out the pop song that was playing, something from the top 50 charts or something, Wilbur probably knew.

They had pulled into the familiar dirt driveway, it was long and every other second they'd hit a pothole. He heard Techno say something and the other two laughed. A moment later they pulled up to the cabin. He looked around at the trees that surrounded them, last time he had been here the trees had been covered in layers of snow and ice but now the snow and ice had melted away and Tommy could see the branches sprouting little buds that would later become leaves and flowers in the later weeks.

The cabin was deep green with a dark roof and a dark wood wrap-around porch. There were two rocking chairs right in the front overlooking the driveway and the forest. It was cozy looking and no one would suspect that this was the summer home for four gods. Once the car was parked and the engine was off the others began to get out, Wilbur being the first one. He let out curses as he ran towards the front door of the cabin.

"Mate I don't care how much you dislike the rain, get over here and help us with the bags," Phil called. Tommy had gotten out, his backpack in his arms as he walked around to the trunk to see if there was anything that he would help out with.

"But Phil!" Wilbur whined as he walked back over to where they were.

"Yeah Wilbur you have to help," He said before sticking his tongue out at the older god. Techno handed Tommy one of the lighter bags to help bring in while the others got the heavier ones. Once they had all of the bags they all headed inside of the cabin.

It was just as cozy as the last time he had seen it. There was a bright skylight that made the living room bright and cozy. Unlike the penthouse, the cabin was filled with lively colors and mismatched ideas from all different decades. In the corner, there was an unlit fireplace and a tv above it, as well as many photos of Phil, Wilbur, and Techno over the years. Well, that is till cameras were invented. There were also a few paintings of the three of them in the cabin as well.

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