A Month+ |Bakugo x Reader|

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Hearing impaired Bakugo x Reader

You watched the clock as you patiently sat in a room in the library. It was silent only the ticking hands on the clock being heard. You knew you came a bit early but the minutes were passing too slow for your liking. As you stared at the wall in boredom you were taken back to reality by the sound of the door opening.

"Good afternoon. You're Katsuki Bakugo right?"You asked as you watched him walk in and you gestured to the seat on the opposite side of the table

Of course you knew who he was but it was still nice to ask. You thought it might be refreshing to not be immediately referred to as a hero. After all he was still your average person like everyone else. Heroes deserved a break from their public image too.

"Yea"He replied sitting down

"Well nice to meet you Katsuki Bakugo. I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your sign language tutor"

You waited for a response from him but never got one.

"So before we start do you mind if I ask you somethings? You know to get to know you better"

"Go ahead"He shrugged leaning back in his chair keeping an eye on you. You mentally took note that his eyes were mainly looking at your mouth.

"Why'd you want to learn sign language? Any specific reason or you're just interested in it?"

"I don't want to learn it"

"So why are you here?"You asked slightly tilting your head in confusion. Sign language wasn't a requirement at any schools, so most people came to you simply because they wanted to learn.

"Because my parents forced me to be here. I don't want to learn it but they think I need to"

"Is there a reason?"

"The doctor suggested it to them"

You nodded and shuffled through some papers before looking back at him to speak.

"I've noticed you've been paying attention to my mouth. Are they forcing you to be here because of your hearing?"

"Yes but I can still fucking hear so this shit is pointless"He responding letting out a dramatic groan. It honestly made you want to laugh but you held it in.

"I wouldn't say it's pointless. Learning it is never pointless. Even if you can hear"

He didn't say anything back so you started laying out the papers.

"Before we start let me ask one thing. You said you don't want to learn so will you pay attention? If not we can end the session now and not waste either of our time. We both have phones so we can entertain ourself for the remainder of the time we're supposed to be here"

"You're already paid for a damn month and I'm being forced to come here for our scheduled sessions. I'll rather learn the shit than sit in the room in an awkward fucking silence every session"

"Good choice. Today we're going to be going over the basics. I printed papers to show you the..."

You continued on with the lesson from there. Despite him saying he didn't want to learn he seemed to be interested and learned rather quickly. You ended the day satisfied with where you got. He still seemed to have a slight attitude but you were sure he'll get over being forced to be there eventually.

Over the next two weeks he showed up for each session. You can tell he didn't hate it as much as he made it seem. After the first few days he dropped the attitude and just payed attention. To you it honestly seemed like he wanted to learn because you could tell he was going home and studying.

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