You're Smart |Iida x Reader|

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RA Iida x Rule Breaker Reader

You were in your dorm by yourself when there was a knock on the door. You didn't even think about moving to go answer it. They couldn't have wanted to speak too badly if they didn't open the door themselves. It was unlocked after all.

You blew the smoke out of your lungs still hearing the knocks. You ignored that instead looking at the length of the blunt surprised at how quickly you smoked it. You hadn't realized that much time passed. You shrugged hitting the blunt again then heard the clicking of the knob. Your eyes traveled to the door and landed on Iida the RA. He looked annoyed to say the least.

You let the smoke out and laughed at his face. It was hilarious seeing how much something so minor could get under his skin. Were you supposed to have drugs in the dorm? No. Did you still do it anyway? Yes. Did that annoy Iida? Yes.

"Hmm?"You questioned putting the ash in the ashtray before bringing the blunt to your lips.

"L/n, you never learn do you? You know that's against the rules right?"

You blew it out again purposely aiming for his face making him back up a bit.

"Mhmm you know I don't care right?"You responded about to put the blunt back between your lips but he grabbed your wrist stopping your movement "Did you come here to stop me? Wanna join instead?"You chuckled leaning forward to hit it

"This isn't a joking matter. You need to start packing your things"He said taking it out your hand and putting it out.

Had you not been smoking for a while and at the end you would've felt disrespected but that wasn't the case. All he took from you was a roach. You were going to put it out yourself soon. He sat it in the ashtray and stood up straight to look down at you.

"Packing for?"

"You've broken too many rules to continue living here. I put in my final report on you and that was your last strike. You have to leave"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll leave when everyone else leaves too. Hand me those"You spoke pointing behind him at your snacks

"The school doesn't want a student like you in their dorms. You have no choice but to leave"

"We'll see about"You smirked already thinking of ways to get out of this mess

"The dorm supervisor will tell you what date you have to be gone by"He said walking towards the door without even giving you your snacks

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm telling you I'm not going anywhere. Also Iida you should relax a bit. Come hang out with me one day"

"I will have to decline that offer. I have no problem with you but I'm not interested in the things you do"

"You don't have to do it. Just get contact. It'll do you some good"You joked

"No"He said then left

"He could've at least handed me the snacks"You grumbled standing up to get them. You also grabbed your phone to make a few calls. If you played your strings right you'll be able to stay in the dorms.


You were asleep in your room when knocks woke you up. You weren't fully awake but you definitely wasn't asleep anymore. Whoever it was must've been a damn fool if they thought you'll get up. You were trying to get back to sleep when the unlocking and opening of the door woke you up. You opened your eyes to see Iida standing in your room.

"Shouldn't you be in class or something?"You mumbled turning your back towards him and closing your eyes not giving up on sleep

"Why are you still here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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