Chef Pee Pee's Big Day!

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Fast forward to 2021...

It was a beautiful day, Jeffy and friends are running in the fields.

Jeffy: Come on guys! Let's go!

Joseph: Yeah!

Cody: Wait for me!

Brooklyn Guy: Kids! Be careful!

Later in a house, Marvin was getting up.

Rose: Good morning Marvin!

Marvin: Good morning Rose! Oh boy! Today someone is coming home after all those years!

And meanwhile, in Junior and Chef Pee Pee's room. Chef Pee Pee hasn't woken up yet.


Chef Pee Pee: W-where am I?

???: Wake up, Fernando.

Chef Pee Pee: Huh? What's talking?

???: Wake up, Fernando. It's time for you to rise!

*Alarm Clock rings*

Chef Pee Pee: Hmm....what time is it? Wait! Today is the big day! I'm going to finally see Woody again after years! Better get ready!

He quickly changed into his personal chef outfit, getting ready to for the big day.


Boss: Where the hell is Chef Pee Pee?!

Chef Pee Pee: I'm here! Breakfast is served!

Junior: Hey, Chef Pee Pee. Why are you so excited today?

Chef Pee Pee: Because I'm going to meet someone I haven't seen in years!

Marvin: Oh my god! Woody is coming right now!

Junior: Woody?

*Door bell rings*

Chef Pee Pee: He has arrived!

House Entrance:

Chef Pee Pee: Hey! Long time no see, Woody!

Goodman: What are you talking about? I come here to pay the house payment!

Marvin: Is it Woody? Oh come on! A house payment?!

Then, Woody appeared from Goodman's back!

Woody: Fernando!

Goodman: Who the f*ck are you?! Get off me!

Chef Pee Pee: Woody! But called me Chef Pee Pee next time.

Woody: I'm happy to see you all again!

Marvin: Woody! It's been so long! How's your shrimp hunting going?

Woody: Awesome!

Chef Pee Pee:'s awesome...huh?!

Flashback starts

Marvin: Woody? Are you sure you're leaving?

Woody: Yeah! My goal is to traveling the world hunt shrimpos!

Marvin: I'm gonna miss you!

Woody: Same as well, but I'm going to be the best shrimpo hunter in the world!

Marvin: Bye Woody! See you in the future!

*Car drives away*

Flashback ends

Marvin: Chef Pee Pee? Are you alright?

Chef Pee Pee: Oh um nothing! (What was that for?)

Marvin: Anyway, Woody. Wanna come inside!

Woody: Sure! Chewy Boy!

Goodman: Hey! What about the house payment?! HEY!!! YOU STILL NEED TO PAY!!!!

Living Room:

Marvin: So Woody, do you have any stories to tell?

Woody: I know! Did you heard a legend? There's robots coming down the sky and they declared wars on the humans! And only a crown could stop them! And in the end, a man in red defeated them.

Chef Pee Pee: Wow, Woody. That's a nice storytelling! What...?

Flashback starts

Mario: You will pay for killing my brother!

Flashback ends

Chef Pee Pee: (A-again?!)

Woody: Thanks, chewy boy!

Junior: Hey guys, what are you guys talking about?

Chef Pee Pee: Do you guys wanna hear a legend from Woody!

Junior: Oh yes! I want to hear!

Woody: Alright here I go!

Seconds later

Junior: Whoa! That was awesome!

Woody: I know right?!

And so, the group talked though hours and now it's nighttime.

Woody: Hey, have you heard a thing called multiverse?

Chef Pee Pee: Multiverse? What does that mean?

Woody: This means that there are other timelines of our world!

Chef Pee Pee: I-um...

Marvin: It's getting dark! Woody, I think you should go home now.

Woody: Ok! Thanks for the amazing hangout!

House Entrance:

Marvin: Bye Woody!

Woody: Bye, Chewy Boy!

*Car drives away*

Chef Pee Pee: It's great to see him again after all those years. Wait...what?!

Flashback starts


Flashback ends

Marvin: Chef Pee Pee? Are you ok?

Chef Pee Pee: I-I keep seeing stuffs I'm not supposed to! I don't know what's happening to me today!

Marvin: Hm....something wrong with you...anyway, you should get some sleep.

Chef Pee Pee: I think so.

Marvin carried Chef Pee Pee back to the house.

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