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The night had finally passed, leaving the both of them tired enough to sleep past noon. Olivia was the first to wake up, the sunshine beaming through the open curtains and glaring in her eyes. Elliot had still remained sound asleep, on the floor as promised. When he'd woken up, Olivia was sipping coffee on the bed and watching cartoons.

"Morning, Sunshine," she chirped as Elliot stirred on the floor.

"It's 1:00 in the afternoon, Liv," he grumbled, scrubbing his eyes with his knuckles. He briefly noticed through the cracks in his sight that she had changed her clothes into a plain grey sweatsuit. Something comfortable. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Figured you needed your beauty sleep, I'd give it a few more hours if I were you." Olivia replied without missing a beat. "You talk in your sleep, y'know."

Elliot's face flushed with embarrassment. "Wh-what did I say?" He asked, readjusting to lean against his arm.

"Oh, just the usual," Olivia casually sipped her coffee. "I think you recited the entire first testament. Missing Kathy that much?"

Elliot gave a frustrated sigh before collapsing back down onto the floor. She was busting his balls, again. Each and every time, he felt like even more of an idiot. "I'm starving. Candy isn't doing it for me anymore, I think I'm gonna lose some teeth after all that we've eaten."

"There's a diner around here somewhere. My appointment isn't until four o'clock. Whatt'ya say to a big greasy cheeseburger in a booth that sticks to your ass, huh? Maybe even a milkshake and some fries?"

"I thought you were supposed to be sick in the morning," he grunted, getting up off the floor and plopping down beside her on the bed. "You sound like you've been starved for fifty years."

"Well, it's not morning time anymore, dingus," she rolled her eyes at him. "And secondly, I won't be allowed to eat soon so make up your mind, greasy spoon or no?"

He stretched his arms above his head, trying to ward off the remainder of sleep that flowed within him. "Yeah, I guess."

"Great!" Olivia hopped up with pep in her step, skipping over to the table that held the majority of their stuff and grabbing the money and keys. "I'll drive!"

"Oh hell no, you won't." That woke him up. He chased after her, practically stepping over his own feet. Hell, he hadn't even had enough time to put his shoes on. "Olivia! Liv, seriously, you will wreck my car!"

"Catch me if you can!"


Finding the diner was... interesting. Olivia's printed and crinkled map directed were vague in any sense of offering them more details about their new surroundings. Although, he had managed to retrieve the keys to Ol' Reliable before she had a chance to start the engine. After that, they had decided to cut the motel stay shorter than planned and just packed up their belongings before leaving. Instead of returning, they'd spend the remaining time at Gary's Diner and maybe a car ride.

Merv was clearly sad to see them go, and Elliot rolled his eyes when Olivia had given the older man at the front desk a fake number to which she had convincingly told him to call her. Now, she was knee-deep in what was known as the Killer Burger, apparently a classic amongst the dirty diner they were seated in.

He looked around, watching the surroundings with a close eye. He noted the four older men at the bar, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper while they flirted with the waitresses. Then, the waitresses who were clad in pink 50's style uniforms bantered with them in return. The floors were black and white checker print, and the booths a glittery red with worn and torn fabric. Everyone was where they belonged... except him and Olivia. Well, Olivia didn't seem to be sticking out like a sore thumb. She blended right in with the rest of them who clearly spent every day in this joint.

The Road Less Traveled - [Bensler EO] ✓Where stories live. Discover now