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After knowing that his bestfriend is still the same, the happy-go-lucky man and cheerful Takemichi. But what he does not know is that the bestfriend he know is long gone and the Takemichi his talking to is just a facade to hide something.

"How are you Michi?" Inui Seishu asked, missing the voice of his long time friend in middle and high school.

"I'm doing fine Sei-pon, I'm outside right now taking a walk." Takemichi lied at the first sentence but told the truth at the last.

"Are you not on a hurry right now? Can we meet up at the restaurant we always go to?" Seishu asked, hoping for a positive answer from the blonde who is also excited at the offer.

[If you're curious why I write Seishu rather than Inui. It's because I will be using first name in my story than the last name since Inui's first name is Seishu.]

"Of course, I'm not busy." Takemichi answered forgetting about the Haitani brothers that they will scold him later if he went back late.

Seishu smiled and told the blonde they will continue talking at the restaurant and hanged up the phone call. Before going, Takemichi informed Sai that he will be going out with a friend and will be going home late, forgotten to inform his two husband about this sudden hang out.



As he lean back on his swivel chair. Right now he is inside his office in his future business buulding that he and his brother will manage when it is time. Checking the time that says 11 in the morning, standing up to call his brother to eat outside for lunch since it is also time for it.

"Bro let's go out for lunch." Rindou suggested walking inside his brother's office.

He was shock to see his brother flirting with one of the workers in their department. Sighing he knocks on the open door to let the two know that he's inside. Ran whispered something to the lady before it left passing Rindou who she give a wink and a seductive smile but Rindou being Rindou just ignore her.

"But we have a lunch appointment with Michi." Ran answered sitting straight on his swivel chair.

Rindou rolled his eyes not listening to what his brother said. "So what? He will understand that we have work and need to eat outside."

Ran just look at his brother before sighing and agreeing on his brother's idea of eating outside for lunch, also not wanting to have an ackward atmosphere when they eat lunch at home.



Takemichi saw Seishu right away sitting on the left corner of the retaurant with Kokonoi Hajime who is busy with his phone. Walking up to the two, he gave them a warm smile when the two man noticed the blonde sitting in front of them.

"Michi long time no see." Koko greeted putting his phone on his pocket, giving his full attention on the newly arrived friend of his.

"Yeah, and I see that you two are still together." Takemichi smirked making the platinuim blonde blush at the teased.

Hajime chuckled while nodding as his hand went to Seishu's waist holding him close and showing his ring to the blonde.

"We have an announcement that we want you to know." Hajime said taking Seishu's hand showing their both rings to Takemichi who's eyes immediately sparkled. "We are getting married in 3 months." He announced as Takemichi squeal at the news he is hearing.

Takemichi always ships Hajime and Seishu since they were first year high school. He is also the bridge that connect the two to each other since Seishu and Hajime are surprisingly shy when it comes to being on relationship. They didn't confess for 2 years since they were second year middle school but thanks to Takemichi that they meet when they the blonde transferred to their school. The blonde eventually became their friend also their supporter.

"Congratulations! So when's the little guy coming?" Takemichi teased raising both his eyebrows up and down.

[In this story men can give birth when they try to take some kind of pill that can make eggs and fertilize inside their body, it's just like a birth control pill but the opposite. I hope you umderstand😅]

Seishu turn red after Takemichi mentioned of him and Hajime having a child. He already take the pill that can make men give birth when they were about to graduate together with Takemichi and Chifuyu who is now a mother with two kids and of course the dad is Baji.

"That would be undecided yet Michi, but maybe after our wedding." Hajime smirks back giving the signal and answer Takemichi wanted to hear.

"Can we stop talking about us, how about you Michi? How's life?" Seishu asked but notice the sudden change of mood from the blonde.

"I am also engage, and doing well." Takemichi melancholy answered looking down then his mood turn back to normal.

Out of concern Seishu hold Takemichi both hand, giving him a questioning look and comfort to what is making his friend gloomy.

"If you ever need help, just call me." Seishu said comforting his depress friend who gave him a warm smile  and a nod.

But theit joyful chat was interuppted when two hands were place on Takemichi's shoulder pulling him uo shocking the blonde.

"What are you doing here?" Hajime asked, you can hear the anger in his voice when he said those words knowing who this two guys are.

"We are taking our wife with us." Rindou fought back as he grab Takemichi's wrist dragging him out of the restaurant with Ran following behind.

Takemichi wince in pain at the tight grip of Rindou on his wrist that he knows will leave a mark if it tighten more.

"Rindou-kun it hurts."

But the blonde and blue haired man didn't listened as he open his car door and throw Takemichi inside at the passenger seat(back) before going to the driver's seat while Ran sat at the passenger seat in front.

"We will talk back at the house and you will get your punishment."


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