Part 22

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When I woke up the warmth I remember falling asleep with wasn't there, I sat up and rubbed my eyes to then look around the room for Kuroo. I couldn't find Kuroo and that's when I remembered Bella and Ray stayed the night, I got out of bed and headed downstairs to see the three of them talking together. "Good morning, Kenma." Ray said getting the attention of both Kuroo and Bella. "M-morning..." I muttered nervously. "Hey, Kitten." "Morning, Ken." Both Kuroo and Bella said in sync causing me to giggle a little, as it's been ages since I've felt this happy with others besides just Kuroo. " What you giggling about, Kitten?" I hear Kuroo ask. " it's been a while since I've felt this happy, that's all." I replied with a smile. " Can we order pizza?" Ray asked as I went to sit down next to Kuroo. "What do you think, Kuroo?" I asked, to then gain a hum from Kuroo to let us know he agreed.

After placing our order we started to get to know Ray, and gained to trust her as fast as we did with Bella. We got distracted when there was a sudden knock at the door. " Must be the pizza man." Ray exclaimed excitedly, she then headed to the door with Bella following behind her. Both the girls came back with their hands filled, Bella holding the pizza and Ray holding the drinks. When they reached the table with the pizza and drinks we started to eat, and while doing so Kuroo and I got to know more about Ray. " Do you have any siblings?" I asked as I realized Ray hadn't said anything about any of her family members. " Well, you see..." Ray stated before starting to talk again. "I was abandoned when I was younger, and also had to look after my younger brother. A few years after it was just the two of us, he had convinced me to let him go to a friend's and place but he never returned. A few weeks later his body was found in a lake, and later on found out someone had drowned him in the lake." Ray's voice cracking and tears running down her face.

"I-Sorry for asking... I didn't mean to bring it up." I said in a panicked manner as I knew how it felt to lose a family member. Tears started to escape my eyes as I felt panic take over my body, memories came flashing back all at once. I pushed the chair I was sitting on out, and ran to our bedroom without saying a word, as I felt so bad for asking about such a thing and not being more careful. I remember one of my childhood friends disappearing for a few months, to then find out he got murdered. With such memories flashing back all at once I started to lose control of my breathing, as soon as I had reached our bedroom and closed the door behind me. I slid onto my knees I then started to crawl on the floor to look for something, that'd help calm me down. While looking around I gasped for air while calling Kuroo's name out weakly.


After Kenma had left I turned to face Bella and Ray and said. "Sorry about him, he didn't mean to bring something like that up as he's been through a similar situation himself." I felt bad for both Kenma as he's been through a similar situation, and Ray as she had to go through the trauma alone. Ray responded with. "It's ok, I know he wouldn't bring such a topic up on purpose." Ray's tone had calmed down a little, when there was a sudden thud from my bedroom. I pushed myself out of my seat and while I did I told the two girls. "I'm gonna check up on him." When I reached our bedroom and opened the door there I saw Kenma, crawling on the floor in pain while looking for something. "Shit." I thought to myself as the sight in front of me was heartbreaking, I ran over and scooped Kenma in my arms. Kenna was gasping for air and calling out for me, I then yelled out to the two girls that were downstairs so they'd hear me. "I need help!" My voice filled with worry, within a matter of seconds both girls had ran up to our bedroom and saw what was happening.

" Kuroo... C-cant b-breath." I could hear Kenma say while still gasping for air. "It's ok, Kitten." I whispered into his ear, both girls had ran over to Kenma and I and sat beside Kenma trying to calm him down. Shortly later Kenma's breathing got back to normal but Kenma had passed out due to the amount of exhaustion he went through crying, and gasping for air as well as looking for something to try and help him calm down. "Is he ok?" Ray asked concerned, I nodded my head to let her know that he was ok now. " That's it, I'm staying until he's better." Bella said to me letting me know that she wanted to help look after Kenma, I nodded my head once again. "C-can I stay to help look after him too?" Ray asked starting off with a starter, she sounded concerned and like she generally wanted to look after him as well. " If you're comfortable with that, Ray." I said to Ray.

A few hours passed since Kenma had passed out, both the girls and I watched a few movies with the girls on the floor with blankets set up to be used as their bed. I on the other hand was on the bed beside Kenma who had snuggled close to me while he was sleeping, I tried to keep quiet so I wouldn't wake Kenma up from his sleep. "Hmmm..." I hear Kenma groan in his sleep softly, which made me chuckle at his cute little groan. "You guys keep watching, I'm gonna sleep now."  I said before my eyes started to close, and it got harder for me to keep them open. I suddenly felt sleep take over my body, and all the background noise ended up blurring out when I fell asleep.


Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, also sorry for this chapter being over the place.  :PPPPP

Originally published: 31/8/2021

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