June 1509- Arrival

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After a few minutes, the Doctor lands the TARDIS. 'Wait here,' he says, 'Henry knows me. It will be best if I do the talking. Come out when I say so.' I nod and wait by the TARDIS doors as the Doctor steps outside. I can see the glitter of gold thread from tapestries, and gentle whispers come through the crack of the open door. The Doctor closes the door, and I can no longer see or hear anything from the outside world. What is the Doctor doing, and why isn't he letting me leave the TARDIS? Then, a thought crosses my mind- he's probably preparing Henry for what's to come. Is he telling the new king about who and what I am? I hope he doesn't mention I have two mothers, which could ruin my mission before I begin.

The door opens, and the Doctor pokes his head in. 'King Henry and Queen Catherine are ready to see you.' There is so much I must remember to do; how can I remember what we do throughout history? My task is difficult, but I will do it. I pick up my bags, and the Doctor holds the door open wider as I step outside.

The room is beautiful. The walls are built from grey stone, but tapestries in rich reds, blues, and even golds line the walls. I do not recognise the scenes they depict, but from what I remember about Tudor times, they loved their biblical stories. Courtiers surround the room, dressed in gorgeous clothes in rich colours. Many are looking at me, and some are pulling a disgusted face. Is it because of the clothes I'm wearing, or...?

I make the mistake of taking a deep breath before I walk forward. Most of these people smell like they've never washed before. I stop myself from pulling a disgusted face and look in front of me. Standing before me is Henrat and Catalina... no, King Henry VIII and his queen, Catherine of Aragon. I walk forward a few paces, trying to stop myself from turning around and bolting into the TARDIS. I can't do this! This time is far different from my own, and I have no clue what I'm getting into! But I force myself to continue walking, and when I'm a few steps away from the King and Queen, I curtsey to them and bow my head. 'Your Grace.'
'Rise, Mistress Smith-White.' King Henry says. I rise from my curtsey, and I finally get the chance to look at both him and Queen Catherine. Henry looks a lot younger than the version in the 21st century- his clear blue eyes seem alive with joy and happiness, and his reddish-gold hair is not streaked with grey. He looks athletic, and when he looks over at Queen Catherine, I can see utter adoration in his gaze.

I recognise Queen Catherine in a heartbeat. She has brown hair and sparkling brown eyes and looks the same as she does back in the 21st century. Her gold gable hood glitters in the candlelight, and her red gown compliments it well. 'Mistress Smith-White,' Queen Catherine begins, and I notice she doesn't have a Welsh accent. She must pick it up later. 'My husband and I are delighted to welcome you to Court.'
'I am glad you both accept me here, Your Grace.'
Catherine looks over at Henry and nods. 'The Doctor tells us that you come from another time, and judging by your clothes, that is correct.'
'Yes, Your Grace.' I curtsey again, and I hope I'm doing the right thing.
'Why are you here? You can go to any point in time, yet you pick the beginning of my reign,' King Henry says. 'Why?'
'I need to keep history on the right track. If I don't, Earth could be in peril, Your Grace. The future I come from may no longer exist. I have family there, friends. If I get something wrong, I might never exist.'
'But it no longer concerns only you. It concerns us all, does it not?'
'That's right, Your Grace. It will take us all to keep history- or in this case- the future, on track. That is where everyone here comes in; we must keep the future on track with my past.'
'I believe we can do that,' King Henry nods, 'do you have any relatives here?'
'No, Your Grace.'
'Listen, Henry, Emma is completely alone in this time. She needs all the help she can get, and that means you and your wife will need to help.'
'I will help in any way I can,' Queen Catherine says, 'you were a good friend to my husband, so I will do anything to help you.'
'Thank you, Catalina.'
'I beg your pardon?'
'Sorry, in the future, you go by Catalina.'
'How far in the future?'
'I'd prefer not to say, but Emma might tell you in due time. But I must say, do not ask Emma for information about everything. That goes for everyone here. One, you might not like the result she gives, two, you might try and rebel against her history, and that can have disastrous consequences. Three, it might start going into events that Emma would rather not talk about. If that happens, don't push her. Emma will tell you in her own time if she deems you worthy. She has no obligation to say anything if you don't need to know. Everything you know about her is on a need-to-know basis.'
'We understand,' King Henry says. Huh, I think I can grow used to this version of Henry. But I know he will become the Henrat that all his wives despise. All I can hope is that I get a few quiet years first.

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