Give us a chance?

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I got up from my seat and stood in front of him. I was looking at his bright blue eyes. They were bloodshot red and he was heaving. Sweat was evident on his forehead and nose, he ran the whole mile from the university to here. I was about to give in and kiss his pink plump lips right there. Flashbacks of all the things that he once did with me came into mind one by one.

"Fatty Rosy! Come on let me show you some exercise. You could really use some help in the back area." I went home and cried on my pillow. I didn't eat anything for the next three days.

"Rosy. Say cheese." Click and there was that photo of me drenched in slime. IT is still posted on his Facebook wall.

'SLimy RoSy is the BeSt'                                                                                 11th March 2014

"So how long has it been since you started jumping from guy to guy." Milo came from behind as I was exchanging notes with Derek. He gave me a disgusted look and Derek looked at me with wide eyes. Of course, he believed him.

I backed away. My hand paused mid-air. My eyes were wide and I was looking at him with disgust and...and disappointment.

"Rosy, please just let me explain." I looked at him with wide eyes. I didn't even know that unknowingly I was suffocating myself. I wasn't breathing. I was just looking at him with anger, with hate, with hurt. Who am I kidding? I can never hate him. It was all hurt.

"Talk." I said one word. One word and that's all I could say.

Milo looked at me like he was not believing it was me in front of him. It was the same old Rosy he was looking at. I am not. I am not the same old Rosy.

"Rosy, I am so-"

"If you have anything else to talk about, then talk. Otherwise just let me go." I said in a cold tone. I looked at him like he murdered my fish and replaced it with a chicken nugget.

He did much worse I know.

"I think I will just go home. I can't stand you right now. "

"Stop running away from me Rosy." Milo grabbed my arm and made me look at him. I think I just angered him. Milo looked at me with dense eyes. His chest was heaving up and down and his hold clearly told me he is not in a very bright and shiny mood.

"Give me some time please." I said to him like a mouse squeak. Where did all your bravery go Rosalyn? A minute ago you were telling of this guy and he just looked at you with his piercing blue eyes and now you are about to wet your pants.

"It's been 8 years. I am not staying away from you even for a single second now." Milo came close to my face and talked in a deep voice. Our lips were touching and my heart was exploding.

I sucked in my breath because I know if I even moved a centimetre, my lips will be fully planted on his

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I sucked in my breath because I know if I even moved a centimetre, my lips will be fully planted on his. Hee held me tight in place. It's like his new found hobby was to hold me by my waist and talk to me in seductive deep voice. Another bell was audible at the very back of our minds. We both paid little to no attention to that.

Frankly speaking, I miss him. I missed his touch. I miss his fragrance and most of all I miss his touch but all of this could not let me forget the years of torment and self-doubt. The all night crying sessions on my bed.

I couldn't just forget all that in a matter of seconds. I tried removing myself from his grip but it was a futile attempt. My hands are placed on his. His are placed firmly on my waist.

I dropped my hands from the back and started pushing his chest. The guy wouldn't bulge but I was adamant.

"Milo, let me go. I wanna go home."
"I'll take you."
"No. I can go my self. I have been doing that for 8 years." I said looking deep in his eyes. I know tears are streaming out of my eyes. I didn't care. I just needed to get of here and out of his grip.
"I didn't ask for your permission Rosy. I said I will take you." He said as he held onto me tighter and my boobs were now firmly pressed onto his chest.

"Let her go Milo." We both turned around to the new voice.
Avery stood there with Cayden trying to calm her down but I know if was a long gone shot now.

"You have bullied her enough now let her go and do not force her to do anything she doesn't want to. And ph my god how stupid can you be? You really thought that she was in love with Cayden? You couldn't even come and talk to her before you went mad cub Milo on her for all these years?

"I-I was sca-"

"Shut it." Avery cut Milo off mid sentence. All this while Milo and I were standing there holding each other in front of Cayden and Avery.

I tried to get back and stand at some distance from him but he is still refusing to let me go. My stomach all this while is doing summer salts. Every time one of us moves my boobs press more against him and I get a whiff of his fragrance.

I am at a perfect view of his neck and I get this strong urge to bite his chest and shoulders. I think I am hormonal but it being Milo has some other affect on me.

It's been so long that I had a good look at him. He is definitely muscular and lean. I can feel his biceps flexing on my back. He has very light golden beard and a really intense jaw-line. He is clearly 6 or above and thank goodness I am wearing my wedge heels or I would look tiny in front of him.

"I think we should give them some privacy to talk all this out." Cayden came forward and tried to peep in to which Avery glared at him. I don't even know how she knew I was here and how she managed to come all this way. She was clearly sick as her eyes were blood red along with her nose and cheeks.

"Privacy? For what? What now? When your so called best friend was stupid enough to believe a rumour." Avery was fumed.
"A rumour started by your so called best friend." Said in a calm yet scary voice.
Milo and I were looking at them as their talk broke into a heated argument.

They were fighting on our behalf and here we were holding each other like a couple in love. I looked over at Milo and his face turned to me. Instantly a blush crept on my cheeks when I realised how close we were standing.
He came closed and kissed my neck.
A foreign sound escaped my lips. I was so embarrassed yet wet. Thank god Avery and Cayden were busy ripping each other's head or I would have melted in a pile of slime.

He released a deep breath in my neck and his soft kisses became longer and urgent. I tried not to make any sound but it was harder then I imagined.

 I tried not to make any sound but it was harder then I imagined

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"Give us a chance?" He whispered in my neck.

He leaned back and looked at me. I felt cold immediately.
His eyes showed something that I couldn't make-out at first but now it was evident.



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