Day 2

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It totally sucks that the school canteen isn't open until the school starts! I mean, the unlimited meal plan wasn't the only reason why I chose this school, but it definitely wasn't a negligible part. I never realized just how much it costs to feed me to the point where I'm not dying of starvation... which brings me to the other point. Remember how I said no more fast food? Well, it turns out it's by far the cheapest option.

You wouldn't believe how many burgers it takes to fill up my stomach... I bought 15 cheeseburgers to go, pretending on the phone I was buying them for a party...

The cheeseburgers were... disappointing. They didn't taste as good as I remembered, but I still ate all of them. Nope, it wasn't enough and I was still hungry afterwards, but it had to do for lunch today.

After lunch I spent most of the day walking around the town, finding what is where. I'm not too happy the gym is on the other side of town than the school campus, but at least there is a swimming pool right next to it. I kinda wish I took my swimsuit with me today, so I could make a few pools to burn some of those burgers. The town is really nice, but there just isn't much in terms of healthy options when it comes to food. That sucks! I can't wait for the school canteen to open.

I know I will sound really vain, but I really like the way I look. I'm just not very happy with the attention my figure brings. I always struggle with what to wear. On one hand I'm proud of my body and want to show it, but on the other hand I don't really enjoy people staring at my tits, so I want to hide in oversized clothes. Ugh, seeing it written like this it sounds really stupid... But can you imagine what it's like to simply go about your business and to hear some nasty dudes cat calling you? To hear dirty remarks whenever you decide not to wear 3 layers of clothes? I can't believe how many creeps I met today! This town seems to be filled with them. I'm genuinely scared to go out on my own again...

On the more positive note, my roommate arrived today and you could say it was love at first sight. It might sound mean but... well, I'll put it bluntly, she is fat. And I mean really fat. Like 300 pounds at least. The blonde girl looks a bit like my inverted version, small breasts, huge gut and a big bottom. I guess you're wondering why it makes me so happy to find out she's fat... Can you imagine how some skinny bitch would react to the way I eat? Melissa on the other hand, my roommate's name is Melissa by the way, won't be that revolted by it. I mean I assume she can eat a lot, given her size...

Melissa seems like the nicest girl you'll ever meet. I mean she even brought me a big chocolate cake to 'sweeten our starting friendship' as she put it. I don't think she expected me to eat it in one sitting though. Dammit! I'm slipping...

I'm not sure how it came up, but as we were talking I kinda mentioned I've never in my life eaten pizza. Melissa was horrified and declared we were gonna "rectify that sin" and have a pizza party tomorrow. She swore I'll never want to eat anything else ever again. I wonder if I'll really like it...

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