Day 3

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I had a really strange encounter when I went to take shower this morning. Until then Melissa was the biggest teen I've ever seen with my own eyes. The girl I met in the showers took away her crown though. The girl, Abigail, was really a sight to behold. I mean how often do you meet girls who take snacks with them to shower? Nothing about Abby is small. She must be very close to being six feet in height. She's got big boobs, bigger stomach and an absolutely enormous ass! I mean, her hips are wider than the narrow door frame! She seemed pretty cool, but I can't really say much about her yet. My mind was kinda occupied with taking in the naked colossus that she was. It was interesting to see a girl of her stature to be so confident in her own body. It makes me think. Since childhood I have had this image that being fat is something undesirable, yet the two fat girls I met in the last 24 hours seem to have no issue with their size. It's kinda inspiring, but unthinkable in my case. I need to be careful not to give in to my ever present hunger. Once I would give in, there'd be no way back...

Melissa and I are bonding quickly. It's as if we were made for each other. We like the same music, same TV shows and we both have a crush on Tom Hiddleston. I mean he's Loki! It was pretty funny when we both pulled out the same poster to hang on the wall. It is a pleasant surprise for me how well we're getting along. Other girls... well, let's say other girls never really liked me too much. Or at least ever since I started to get attention from boys. There is one thing I don't like about Melissa too much. She seems to have a never ending supply of snacks... it wouldn't be a problem if she wasn't the kind girl she is, offering me something all the time. I'm not too proud of how many times I gave in to the temptation. I've already eaten so much today, more so than I'm willing to admit and we're still supposed to get pizza later. Melissa asked me how much do I want and then she couldn't stop laughing when I said like four pizzas. I'm not really sure if whether what I said is a lot or too little...

I didn't know pizzas where actually this big! I feel like a complete idiot... She must have asked about how many slices... I ate so much, I'm not even hungry anymore! I don't remember when was the last time I ate this much food... if ever! I can't believe how bloated my stomach is right now! I'm really glad I have my shorts with elastic band on, because I'm pretty sure I would have lost a button were I to wear my jeans. I don't regret a single bite though. I definitely have a new favorite meal! Melissa passed out halfway through her fourth extra-large pizza. The big girl's pride didn't let her admit I could eat more than she could. Poor girl. I think we're gonna be a terrible influence on each other... Unlike her I did manage to finish all four pizza pies. Four cheesy, delicious... I'm not gonna maintain my weight eating like this. As much as it pains my heart, no more pizza for me!

I have absolutely no idea how many calories I've eaten. And you know what? I don't want to know either. I might finish Melissa's pizza though... After all it's just a one-time thing for me, so I need to enjoy it. And the damage is already done anyway. Then I'm going to sleep. We've got one last free day before the classes start and there's this big freshmen party going on... I guess we should make an appearance to get to know our future classmates. Alright, that's it for the day... Later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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