Chapter Ten

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       I said I would make an update on Friday. I didn't keep to it. I'm truly sorry. However, I wish to make my days for updating to be Tuesday and Friday. I hope that's okay. ☺️


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

                              – Shakespeare.


"I find it hard to believe the sales I've had since the last seven months," I tell Sandra with a bellow of mirth.

"I know, right?" she chuckles and raises her hand in the air for a high-five which I gladly give to her. "Nigeria now knows your company. It's just that not everyone. We need everyone to know".

I smile at her and resume chopping the fresh tomatoes before me. We are in her kitchen and not just an average one but the advanced kind. Her kitchen layout is beyond my imagination. I can remember when I first walked in, my jaw dropped. It spells out luxury. White is the colour that dominates the whole room, from the walls to its equipment and items. Another fascinating colour in the room is blue. The barstools, the counter and the cupboards are blue. She has a big gas cooker, microwave and dishwasher. I would call it a kitchen for the lazy– no offense intended. Everything in it made cooking easy. It is spacious and I believe that's what I love most about it. I'm not too surprised though. Sandra has always been from a wealthy family. I'm sure her parents will want her first apartment to be the best ever. What I don't understand is why she chose to live alone.

But to think of it, who won't want to live alone in an apartment that best describes luxury. I dare not compare it with the cube I'm still, unfortunately, living in. Cooking at the cube is a nightmare. I use a stove. That makes it worst. The place gets stuffy and it's just simply annoying for a room to be both your bedroom and kitchen. However, I will have to stop complaining though. I rather leave there than have no roof over my head. Mostly, rain refuses to stop during this season. I hear people complain about their house leaking or being flooded. Luckily, I don't have such a complaint on my side.

My last conversation with Aaron rings in my head. "Time for your utme preparation!" he had said.

"You have my words. I will attend the tutorial," I replied.

"Good! We have a deal then. You may leave".

I turn to Sandra who is seasoning the chicken that's on the fire. "I made a deal with Aaron that this new month, August, I will reduce the time I spend on work and base my attention on my preparation for jamb," I say with mixed feelings and my face scrunch as though I had tasted fresh bitter leaf.

"You are resuming next week, right?" she asks.

"Yes. I'll write my jamb next year. I want to be fully prepared before that day," I bob my head as though insisting my brain to agree with my words. Do I want to mingle with people younger than me, in a room where I'm forced to learn? No! But...

I need to.

"Wow! You are going to Study Great Tutorial, abi na? Aaron said something about that," Sandra exclaims and closes the pot of the boiling chicken.

"Yeah," I reply and recall all Aaron has been doing for me. He is like a Saviour and destroyer at the same time. So far, my business is going well and that's because of his investment and business wisdom. However, his attitude stinks. He acts as if he is a god which I find truly offensive. Just because I'm dependent on him doesn't mean he can treat me any way he wishes. I roll my eyes and inquire from Sandra, "How is the tutorial like?"

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